Chapter 10

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In Wayne Manor, Aunt Harriet had just prepared afternoon tea.

"I hope the Warriors have found that missing woman. And I hope she's not hurt" said Aunt Harriet. 

"What's more, we haven't seen Rose in hours. She told me she was off on a walk, but it's been a long one" said Bruce.

"Well, does Dick know about this?" said Aunt Harriet.

"Master Dick doesn't know. Given how sick he is, we decided not to worry him" said Alfred.

"Oh, my, I think he should know" said Aunt Harriet.

Bruce and Alfred looked at each other with unsure expressions. 

"Very well. I'll go tell him" said Bruce.

He went upstairs and entered Dick's room.

Dick was awake so it was a good time.

"Feel any better, chum?" said Bruce.

"Actually, I feel almost normal, Bruce" said Dick.

"Good. Your daughter hasn't come back" said Bruce.

"She hasn't?" said Dick.

"She said she was off on a stroll, but it's been four hours since she left" said Bruce.

"Oh, Rose..." Dick gasped.

"Well, if you're in fighting shape, we could go find the Warriors and tell them more" said Bruce.

"Holy four-leafed clover! What luck!" said Dick.

"To the Batpoles" said Bruce.

He and Dick slid down the Batpoles and put on their Batman and Robin costumes.

They got into the Batmobile and prepared to leave.

"Atomic batteries to power. Turbines to speed" said Robin.

"Roger. Ready to move out" said Batman.

The Dynamic Duo went looking for the Three Warriors in the city. 

They couldn't find them anywhere.

"Where could they be?" said Robin.

"They must have gone searching in Wiggletown. It is possible that the girl went missing there" said Batman.

"But who in Gotham City would even think to go to Wiggletown? It's all the way in Australia" said Robin.

"The Warriors live there and it doesn't stop them from coming here" said Batman.

"Yeah, but that's a different ball game" said Robin.

"It's a different ball game... but we must play it. To Wiggletown" said Batman.

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