Bullying pt1

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-tw:mention of scars,anxiety behaviours,bullying- i think?
-(some season 4 spoilers)
-this one is gonna be sad >:)

El looked at herself in the mirror.Carefully,she observed the scar which ran along her leg.Most of it had healed fully by now,no more blood came seeping out of it at night and it didn't hurt when she moved.

What was left though was a huge white opening on her shin.It looked like someone had slashed her leg open with a knife and painted over it with a white coat of acrylic paint just for the laughs of it.It was probably the dumbest thing that could've happened to her last year,especially during summer where everyone wore shorts since it was boiling and the temperature made you want to melt into a puddle on the ground.

She sighed and looked through her wardrobe,searching the drawers for some knee high socks in which she could go to school in.Speaking about school,she hated it.She hated that it was in California,she hated how she never fit it and never would.Most of all though,she hated the girls over there.They were all stuck up little things who used daddy's money to buy expensive clothes,bags and extremely sickeningly sweet smelling  perfumes.You name it.They got everything they wanted without even having to do anything in return.

El pulled on the socks,they reached half way up her legs and she'd agreed that that was enough.Along with that,she put on some baggy denim trousers and one of Mikes old shirts,which was mostly grey exept for the red writing which said 'D&D' on it.She found it quite cute how obsessed Mike was over this game.Found it even cuter that he gave her this shirt to keep and how embarrassed and awkward he was about giving it to her.

"Shit,"El looked over at her clock and saw she'd be late to school if she didn't get downstairs in about 30 seconds.
On her way out she grabbed a pack of eggos and rummaged in it before pulling two out and stuffing them into her mouth,slamming the front door behind her.Soon she was sitting side by side with Will,already dreading to see Angela and the rest of her little 'friend' gang.

The whole ride to the high school her legs bounced up and down.She picked at the skin around her nails when she wasn't biting them and swirled her hair around her finger as the scenic view of California blurred past her eyes,which filled slightly with tears.

"El,you okay?"Will startled her out of misery for a second,putting a hand on her shoulder.As a sort of step-brother he had taken on the responsibility of always looking out for Eleven,even if she hadn't mentioned something was wrong.Sometimes her silence was even louder than the startling screams she'd get from nightmares.He hated the silence so much though,he hated not knowing what types of thoughts raced through the poor girls head and he hated not knowing how to help her,so he at least tried to be there for her when it got too quiet.

"Yeah,I'm fine."El smiled at him,her slightly rose tinted cheeks lifting up along with her hazel eyes.

"Are you sure,"Will asked,"it looks like you've been crying?"

El wiped the remaining traces of tears with the back of her hand and laughed quickly."I don't understand what you mean."

He looked at her face,solemn and grey,sadness clearly fogging up the brightness that her eyes usually sparkled with.They looked heavy and tired,like she hadn't gotten any sleep for days on end.Maybe she hadn't.Maybe she'd cried silently into her pillow every night and no one even realised.Maybe if someone had checked up on her everything would be different.

"I'm sorry,El."

"Why?"she looked at him through a wall of tears.

"I just am."

And just how waves always come back,stronger most of the time,the quiet did too.Well at least for now.


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