Snowball 1988

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Enjoyyy :)

Around 4 years ago,Mike and El were brought together again after a 353 day period of separation.Later that year they'd go to a cheesy school dance called the 'Snowball' which potentially started this whole relationship.For that they are grateful in so which,this year for their senior year of high school they will be joining their friends in this school dance together again after 4 years.


"Mike stop stressing,"Nancy tied his tie as he still hadn't learned,"You've known El for so long,she wouldn't care even if you came wearing one of her bikinis."

Mike cringed at her and stuck his tongue out.
"I don't think the bikini would fit me to be honest,"he laughed after realising what that must've sounded like to his sister.

"That's disgusting,Mike."

"I didn't mean it like that!Just because that's how you interpreted it,its not my problem!"

Nancy slouched in front of him letting go of the half done tie,"You can do your own tie in a minute."

He looked at her."No,please I'm sorry.Now do my tie I beg you otherwise I will be late."

She resumed doing his tie
"You're always late."

Mike rolled his eyes as if he didn't know that already.
"I know that I'm always late but this is an extra special occasion because I'm seeing El."

Nancy got up."You see El everyday,now let's go."

It took them 15 minutes to get to the school where the rest of the party was already waiting,except for El and Max;he presumed they were already inside.

"Mike!"Dustin hit him on the back,hard.
In silence,they walked together to the entrance.

It felt the same way it did 4 years ago.Children chattering,music blaring through speakers,everyone was dancing and worried parents were leaning against their cars in the parking lot.

Straight away when they walked in,the hot,stuffy air hit them.It was always burning in the hall.

"Man,I should've worn deodorant,"Lucas announced as Will made a disgusted face.

"It was just a heads up man,"Lucas argued.
"Still,I didn't need to know,"Will retorted.
"Oh but you did."

They continued arguing so Mike and Dustin just left them to sort out their problems on their own.
"Guess its just us two now,"Dustin hit his back just like earlier.

"Yep.Guess so."

They stood around for a few minutes,watching as people entered and left.Mike was really looking for El in the pool of children,who was no where to be seen.

"This isn't as good as I remember it-"
Dustin's jaw dropped.

"What?"Mike turned around to see if anyone had done something stupid like jumped into a chocolate fountain or vomited in the middle of everyone.

"Scratch what I said.This is better than 4 years ago,theres more food."He pointed towards red velvet cupcakes which were stacked on top of each other like a little pyramid,"I'm sorry,man.I gotta eat some of those.That's mostly why I came."

Dustin ran over towards the desserts leaving Mike all alone.He pulled out a chair and sat down.Suddenly he had a feeling of deja vu.

Sitting here 4 years ago was him,waiting for El.She came.But would she come this time?
He took a cupcake from a plate beside him and chewed it slowly,thinking about what he should say to El.

"You look beautiful"
"I love your dress"
"You look so pretty"
"Wanna dance"
"I love you"
"How have you been?"
"Want a cupcake perhaps?"
"I love this song"
"This is nice"
"I feel so old being here again"
"I cant believe it's been 4 years"

None of those seemed to fit.He'd just have to make something up when he saw...her.


He saw her.She was standing with her red headed best friend.Mike got up and El caught sight of him standing awkwardly with his hands in his pockets.Quickly,she ran over to him.

Her dress bounced up an down.It was a beautiful navy blue one with white lacing that looked like the Milky Way in a night sky full of little stars.Her hair was out-as always-but she wore the tiniest but sparkliest of earrings that could be seen when she placed her hair behind her ear.El wasn't a makeup sort of person so she only wore a tiny bit of mascara and clear lipgloss which made her lips shimmer,making her look irresistible to Mike.

"You uhh,look beautiful-,do you like this song umm,wanna dance?"Mike stuttered.Shit shit shit.He disciplined himself under his breath until something happened.

She started laughing and before he could process it she pressed her glossy lips against his chapped ones."Dont try,Mike."

Both of her hands intwined with his his and she placed them on her hips,putting her own gently around his neck and letting them rest there.A slow romantic song started playing.One that was recognised immediately by the young couple.
'Every breath you take' played gently though the speakers.

The pair swayed together in rhythm to the calm tune,their foreheads touching and stupid grins plastered onto their faces.

"Do you know what this reminds me of?"Mike whispered.
"What?"El looked into his eyes,hers glistening with love.

"It reminds me of when I saw you here 4 years ago.When I danced with you and you wore that blue dress with the little red dots and thick pink belt."

El laughed as she remembered her horrible outfit.

"That was an extremely ugly dress.I still don't know why you wanted to dance with me."

Mike bought one hand to her face and cupped her cheek with it.
He spoke so softly against the song it seemed like a romantic movie.

"I remember you still had your short curly hair.It was pinned to the side."

El looked down at her black ballet shoes and blushed a dark pink.

"I wanted to dance with you because you were the most perfect girl,El.It was everything about you that made me crazy at the sight of you.Your hair,eyes,the way you looked so sad yet so happy when you talked.That day,there was already as slight height difference between us,I remember it well because when you rested your forehead against mine your hair tickled my nose."

"Sorry about that,"she giggled

"I asked you to dance but you said you didn't know how to.Still,I took your hand and showed you.Throughout you kept on apologising for stepping on my feet but I wanted to tell you that it didn't matter.I only cared about the most beautiful girl in front of me,El.And that girl...she was you.
And still is and will always be because I love you.Hell,I'm in love with you and will be forever."

He brought her face up to his and kissed her so delicately yet with such emotion that she felt a little light headed when he pulled away.

"I'm in love with you too,Mike."
She wrapped her arms together around his neck,going to kiss him,once more.

I kinda love this 🌝


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