Ride a bike...dont twist your ankle

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Ages are like 14/15

Mike drove El every where on his bike,even when he didn't want to.He took her to the shops,to the park,back to her house,to his house.There were no limits to driving around Hawkins on a bike with El.
She just sat at the back with her hands wrapped around his torso and her face against his back.

There was a problem though.It was fine when they were both 12 and weighed nothing.As they got heavier with age it got harder for Mike to pedal with two people at the back.As much as he loved taking El everywhere one day either way she'd have to learn how to ride a bike.
Why not start teaching her now?


"Ok so now you put your feet over there,"Mike taught her step by step.

She sat down and placed her shoes on the pedals.Mike held on to the handles so that the bike wouldn't fall over.

"This is the hard step but I promise it will get easier in a second."

He placed a purple helmet on top of her head.

"This will protect you.Ok so now you have to push of the ground and just pedal.For the first few times I'll hold on to you then I'll let you try on your own,"his grip tightened on the handles as she began pedalling.

She was good.Better than what Mike expected.He went over what to do one more time and she pushed off the ground just like last time.
Unlike last time though,he didn't hold on.She could do it perfectly somehow,didn't wobble once as the sped down the road.

Sped down the road.

Mike watched her and then began running after her.


"How!?"she cried,her bike beginning to go faster and faster as she declined down the hill.

Mike chased her down the road,his legs giving in.He couldn't catch her.She was too far.Too quick.

There were some loud noises,maybe she was braking.Mike couldn't really see because of how light headed he felt.
No,she wasn't stopping.

A large truck was trying to.Right in front of El.

She sped into it.Toppling over in a pile along with her bike that fell on top.

"El!"he reached her just as the truck driver quickly exited the situation.

"You bastard!"he shouted after him,pointing his middle finger up making sure he could see it in the mirror.

There was some shuffling on the ground.
"Mike,"El tugged at the sleeve of his shirt.

"Are you ok?!"he pulled her on to his lap,examining her.There were a few bruises and scratches that were already visible,nothing major though.

She pointed to her ankle after a second,realising Mike thought nothing had happened to her.
"It hurts..a lot,"she sobbed.

"Your ankle hurts?"
He touched it gently.It still made her yelp in pain though.
Carefully he picked her up,placing her over his shoulder.It wasn't a long walk to his house at all so she could stay like that.

When they got back he placed her on his bed and got a bag of frozen peas.He slipped a pillow under El's foot for support and put the peas on her ankle.She flinched.
Maybe from the pain.Maybe from the cold.Probably both.

"Does that help?"he covered her with a blanket.

She nodded."It still hurts a bit but it's ok."

"That's good,"he climbed into bed with her and just stayed like that for a second.

"Can I ride the bike tomorrow?"she asked cheerfully.

"El,you just twisted your ankle.You can't ride for like another 2 weeks or even a month,depends how careful you are,"he could sense how sad she was already getting.

That's it.Thats all she said.

"Next time.I promise,"he rubbed her shoulder instinctively.

She nodded against his chest.
Perhaps it was ok for her to ride on Mikes bike for a little while longer.


I wrote this in about 10 minutes so that's fun
Hope u like it!
Thank you for reading

-Ally :)

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