"Im dying arent I?"

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This is gonna be idk...fluff?Funny?Idk.
Enjoyyy :)


El groaned into her pillow for about the hundredth time that morning.She felt horrible.
Not that she was sick -or at least she hoped she wasn't because that would totally suck-she felt worse than ever before.

For the whole time she's been awake she'd stayed in bed,covering herself with blankets even though it was May and the weather had gotten pretty warm.Another thing that was weird was what she had for breakfast.

Something that never happened to Eleven Hopper was a change in her appetite.Especially when it came to her favourite food-eggos-(a triple eggo extravaganza to be exact).
On most mornings Hopper made her a tower of the circle shaped waffles covered in syrup,chocolate sauce,m&m's,marshwallows and what not.

Today was different.It went a little something like this.

"Dad,"El called from her room.Seconds later she heard loud footsteps on the stairs and immediately knew that it was Hopper.
"Yes?"he asked looking at his daughter,"what happened?"
She shuffled a bit in the bed,the discomfort which came from her stomach causing her words to come out slower than intended.

"Why don't you want eggos?Have I made them too much for you.Do you want a different topping maybe?I can make you that,"Hopper went through all the options.

"No- its not that.I just don't feel like eating them today.I just feel weird,dad,"she sighed,leaning against the headboard of her bed.

Hopper looked at her before pressing a hand to her forehead to check if she's sick.
"Well ok then.What should I make then?"

"I don't know,dad.Just make me some toast or something."

Hopper nodded before hurrying downstairs to the kitchen.Upstairs El twisted around in her bed,almost certain that she would throw up from the pain any second.Was she dying?
She was.Oh.My.God.She was gonna die now.

A few minutes later,Hopper came back at upstairs with the food on a plate.
El looked at the burned toast before her eyes turned into swimming pools.

"I know I burned the toast but there is no need to cry,"Hopper looked at the girl.

"It's not that,dad.Just tell Mike to come here please,"she cried.

Hopper gave her a stern nod,not completely happy with the fact that Mike would come over.He thinks that Mike corrupts his daughter.Still,he called Mike over.

El still lay in bed when she heard footsteps coming up to her room.This time she could tell there were two people approaching.

Mike burst in through the door and ran towards her.From the corner of her eye she could see Hopper roll his eyes and walk back down the hallway.Seconds later she could feel two arms wrapping around her and as much as she loved the feeling,something wasn't right with her.

"Mike,gentle please,"she whispered from underneath him,feeling to weak to even talk too loud.

"Of course,"he kissed her forehead gently and slid in a under the warm covers beside her.

Carefully,he pulled her to him and wrapped his arms around her back,trying his hardest not to squeeze her stomach too tight which is what she said hurts most.

El breathed in Mikes scent trying not to think about the fact that she would die soon.The thought was way too overwhelming for El though and she did think about the fact she'd die soon.In fact,she thought about it quite a lot,so much for her heart to start beating so rapidly that Mike could feel it pounding against him.

"El,are you ok?"he asked her.
She shook her head."Mike.I think I'm going to die ."
He gawked at her.

She rested her head against his chest and began telling him how this is the worst she'd ever felt and she didn't even want to eat eggos.
That was a lot of news to Mike that the poor boy couldn't handle.

"Wait so you didn't have eggos?"he worried for her.

"No,"she answered with a quiet whisper,"I didn't."

Mike put a hand to her forehead to check her temperature.She was cold.Well,not cold.Normal temperature.She definitely didnt have a fever so she wasn't sick.

He skimmed for other possibilities.

El was still a growing teen just like he was and there were changes happening all the time maybe it was something to do with...that.

Mike knew.He knew that she wasn't dying and that she was completely fine,he just had to tell her somehow.

"Uhm, El?Why don't you just go to the toilet or stand up,you might feel better."
It was a dumb suggestion but El was gullible.It went together perfectly.

"Ok,"El shrugged.

After a lot of moving and also getting up,El was finally able to hoist herself onto her feet and when she did she thought she would die right there and then.

On the part of the bed where she lay there was blood.A lot of it.It was her blood as well.Fresh and red.

She looked like she was about to faint so Mike took her by the hand and pulled her down to the bed again.I mean,it looked like a crime scene had happened on the sheets,why wouldn't she feel like passing out?

"El?"he looked between her eyes which were hazed with confusion.

She looked at him,this time wide eyed.
"I'm dying aren't I?"

He quickly shook his head as he didn't want her to start crying as he knew she'd never stop.
Instead he pulled her closer and rubbed her shoulder.

"No,El.You arent dying I promise.You just umm well has Hopper every told you that girls get a umm a...period,"Mike stumbled over his words.

El looked at him."No,what's that?"

He pinched his nose bridge "Well it's this thing that makes girls bodies get ready to have a baby when they are older,"Mike looked at El's face which still hadn't changed from her previous expression.

"But I don't want to have a baby,Mike,"she started to move away from him and he guessed that Hopper must've at least told her what sex was.

Mike shook his head."I'm not telling you that we need to have a baby.This just happens in case one day you change your mind and perhaps want to have one.No one will force you."

She let out a long sigh."well that's good."

They went quiet and Mike debated on whether he should call Max and ask what to do in this situation.He decided not to do that;it would be awkward.
Nancy was also an option but she was at work at probably wouldn't even pick up.

Mike rested his head against El's and sighed.
He didn't want to explain to her.
"You know,maybe you are dying."

El furrowed her eyebrows.
"Dad,Mike said I'm dying!"

Seconds later Hopper was clambering up the stairs.
"Ok,I'm out.Good luck,El,"Mike said before jumping out of the window.

Now she was Hoppers responsibility,Mike could visit her later...if Hopper didn't kill him.

"Wheeler I'm going to kill you!"The angry shouted as Mike ran to get his bike.

This took a turn.
I was planning on writing the end as something else but I thought of this and went with it.


Mileven One shots <33जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें