Trick or treat

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This one will be spicy;I think you guys know what the 'treat' part of trick or treat will be.
Enjoyyy :)


After waiting a whole year for this day,it had finally arrived.31st of October,also known as Halloween in many places,especially in Hawkins,where it was celebrated most.


"Mike I'm going to kill you!"Nancy shouted after Mike as he sped away from their house with her bag of makeup,"Asshole!"

She stormed back inside,slamming the door behind her so that it shook.Karen was in the kitchen,dressing up Holly as a small witch for Halloween;she eyed Nancy giving her a 'what's wrong with you?' look.

In the shops Holly had picked out a black and pink dress with a star print,along with a tall,pointy witches hat.Karen put some face paint on the little girls face to make her look more 'scary' when she really just looked silly.

Nancy snorted at the sight of her sister getting scared of her own reflection as her mum handed her a mirror.

"What's your problem?"Karen turned to look at her eldest daughter,completely unamused by her actions in the past few minutes.

She shrugged.

"Did Jonathan break up with you?"She quickly asked.

Nancy gaped at her as if almost hurt by what she said.What do you mean by 'did Jonathan break up with you?',of course he didn't!-she wanted to say that to her mum but resulted in saying a simple 'no'.

"Ok then.Then what did happen?"she raised an eyebrow,stepping away from the kitchen counter and getting closer to the teen.

"Well,"Nancy started,"your dumb son stole my fucking makeup!"

Karen quickly covered Holly's ears with her hands as if that would do anything now.She glared at Nancy's who knew she messed up.Shit shit shit-she thought.

Before running upstairs she said goodbye to her mum and Holly whose face paint started washing off her face as she began to cry.

"Nancy Wheeler,you're grounded!"Karen shouted at her daughter as she slammed the door for the second time that evening.

"You're grounded!"Holly mimicked her mums voice after she got bored of her sudden tantrum.

Karen smiled at the little girl,beginning to re apply the smudged makeup.


Down at Hoppers cabin,Mike was using Nancy's makeup to its full potential.For Halloween this year Mike was a ghostbuster whilst El was a ghost (for obvious reasons).
Slowly,Mike applied some red powder to make it look like he got punched in the face,which didn't really look good.No one would see since it would be dark either way.He looked in the mirror and sighed at the horrible job he'd done.

El stepped out from her room wearing her costume.Before Mike had arrived, El had gotten a white sheet and cut out two holes so that she could see through it.Underneath,she wore all white so that she could blend in with her top,she even wore white gloves.

"How do I look?"she spoke though her words were muffled through the fabric.

Mike stepped towards her and smiled as he wrapped one around her waist."Great,"he whispered.

El just looked down and was glad that Mike couldn't see how red she had gotten in under a few seconds."Don't start this now,"she mumbled and pressed a gloved hand to his lips,silencing him as if Hopper was in the room with them too.

In fact,Hopper was out with Joyce somewhere.Both El and Mikes guesses were that he had taken Joyce to Enzos since that is the only place he seemed to know.Before they left,they'd told the two teens they would be back around midnight-that gave them plenty of time to do 'stuff' Mike had told her but she didn't want to think about it.

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