Chapter 25

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Isla sat at the dining table in the Devereux manor with her best friend, vampire mate and their families. "Paxton told us you had news, sweetheart, so spill." Nina smiled sitting next to Elijah. Paxton squeezed Isla's hand and gave her a small smile. The road to this point was short, but tumultuous.

Isla cried in his arms when he found her on the cliffs in Harmony Harbor. She didn't want to go back to the cabin and be reminded of Grey, so they slept at Andersen's house in Paxton's old room.

If Isla wasn't crying then she was throwing up. The problem is when she felt nauseous, so did Paxton. It made it difficult to care for her when he was out of it, but he pushed through to ensure his wife was taken care of. Paxton was certain Grey felt it too and hoped it was wrecking him.

They managed to get some sleep for a few hours before meeting at the Devereux manor at 10 am. Isla's mother and grandmother were present with their mates.

Edie was there with Brendan. Arlo hung out with Erik, Petra and Marilee. Andersen sat in the corner with Stevie, while Tallulah and Kai sat across from them. Paxton texted everyone per Isla's request to ensure her loved ones all knew and at the same time.

She was thankful Kai and Tallulah were present. They deserved to know this news despite her current status with their son. "We wanted to tell you guys-" Stevie interrupted her.

"Where's Grey?" The face Isla made was not missed by anyone and Stevie immediately felt like an asshole. Isla had come to see her the night before but was run off by seeing Derek eight inches deep inside of her.

She felt like an awful best friend and judging by her facial expression something happened between her and her werewolf mate and Stevie wasn't there to console or be present for her.

"I'm sorry. Disregard. What's the news?" Stevie said rapidly. Paxton rubbed Isla's shoulder before kissing her temple. Isla looked at Paxton as if she were going to break and it saddened him. "I'll tell them." He whispered before kissing her lips.

Paxton turned to look at their family and friends and smiled. "We're pregnant." Nina screamed happily. "What?!" Margot exclaimed. "I'm going to be an aunt!" Arlo squealed before looking around and resuming her uncaring composure.

"This is amazing news!" Brendan said with a bright smile. "Do you know who the father is?" Isla and Paxton shared a look. "Grey and I both are. The baby is the first ever werewolf, vampire and witch tribrid."

Nina gasped loudly. Isla took comfort in the fact that she had met another tribrid. Harlow was amazing, but she was a tribrid from two supernatural parents with already unique genetic makeups. Her baby was a makeup of three parents. That had definitely not been heard of.

"How?" Margot asked simply as Matthew rubbed her back. "I don't know. I learned all of this from the first ever tribrid." Nina hummed a response. "Harlow Draven." Isla looked at her grandmother. "You know her?" Nina shook her head.

"I know of her. It's my job as a Devereux supreme witch to know about the most powerful beings on the outside and she is at the top of the list. Her genetic makeup is still the talk of the supernatural world and now we're going to have our very own right here in Ravenswood. This is shocking, but amazing news."

Isla smiled at her grandmother's happy smile. They all talked and laughed in excitement and Isla allowed herself to enjoy it. She deserved the positive energy and knew her melancholy thoughts and feelings were not only bad for her, but they were terrible for her daughter.

"It's a girl by the way." More screams could be heard. "Bows! I'm making all the bows!" Edie called out already making mental sketches. Isla laughed at them before looking at Tallulah and Kai.

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