Chapter 17

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The week flew by with little disruptions. It was currently Saturday night and Grey was out with some wolves, while Paxton was promised acts of hot, steamy sex with his wife in exchange for bonding with the senior vampires.

They thought she just wanted them to make friends with their pack and coven in preparation of the title they'd have, but Isla needed the time alone with her family and Otha.

Nina, Margot, Edie, Isla and Arlo found themselves in front of the Ent that was now the size of a small tree with fifty years of world knowledge. "Have you been able to figure out the prophecy, Otha?" Nina asked the Ent who shook his head no. His leaves rustled in the wind.

"We've figured out the first line. It's obvious the prophecy is about Isla." Arlo spoke up. "Yes, but the next line. '...bring forth a new world full of power and might.' What does that even mean?" Isla questioned confusedly.

"Maybe you're not aware of just how powerful you are. Maybe something is coming that will force you to tap into everything and that will usher in something new." Edie said not sure of her words.

"I don't think we need to be worried about this right now." Margot said with a shrug. "We're all good. Ravenswood is safe thanks to the spell we cast that you reinforced," she said to Isla. "Prophecies have been said hundreds of years in advance to the actual event. We're assuming this is about Isla, but it could be about a future phoenix witch."

Margot looked at all of them and sighed. "There's nothing to worry about, okay?" She cupped Isla's face before kissing her forehead. "Otha," Margot spoke up. "You just focus on growing big, tall and strong, okay?" The Ent eyed her before nodding. He was just as stuck as they were on the prophecy and welcomed a break if they demanded one.

"I say we go do something fun just us ladies." Margot suggested with a smile earning nods. "Make sure you don't tell anyone about this, Otha." Isla said causing her sisters to look at her. "I won't." Otha responded before swaying with the wind. He resumed his studies to further strengthen his mind in hopes of becoming the smartest and sharpest Ent in Ravenswood.

"Why don't you want anyone to know about the prophecy?" Arlo asked as she laced up her ice skates. They were at Rinkity Rink, the roller skating and ice-skating rink in The Gates community.

"We are in a good place as a town and community. I don't want some broody prediction and unknown foreshadowing to interrupt the peace we've finally found. I won't let that happen, especially because of me. I've done enough to shake up Ravenswood for a decade."

"Does this mean you haven't told your husbands?" Edie asked with a quirked eyebrow. Isla rolled her eyes giving them their answer. "Isla!" Arlo sassed earning a groan.

"I know. I know. I just...I feel like I've made their lives difficult as it is. I mean for goodness' sake it's because of me their going to be Alphas. I never even asked if that was something they previously wanted."

Isla stroked her hair to calm herself. "I just want them to have as close to normal for a vampire and werewolf married to an all-powerful witch as possible." Edie nodded her head in understanding.

"It's a lot being mated to a Devereux witch. I get you wanting to protect them, but lying to them is not how you start a marriage. You know that and you know better." Edie got up and made her way out onto the rink.

"She's right. They deserve to know what all is going on in their wife's life. You wouldn't be okay with them keeping something from you, right?" Isla looked at Arlo before shaking her head. "You're right. I'll tell them." Arlo gave her a small smile before standing up.

"Come on, Isla. Let's dance circles around these fools!" Isla chuckled at her sister before getting up herself. They made their way into the rink to join the rest of their family and skated the night away with laughs as their soundtrack.

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