Chapter 24

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It was 8 pm in Massachusetts, but Isla had too much adrenaline inside of her to wind down for the night. "I'm going to go see Stevie." Isla blurted out. Her husbands looked at her a bit shocked at her outburst.

"Okay...are you alright?" Paxton asked her earning a frantic nod. Isla was never good with secrets, but this one she wanted to hold close to her chest. She teleported into Stevie's room and immediately wished she hadn't.

There with her face down and ass up was her best friend being pounded into the mattress by her dragon mate. Isla screamed before her eyes connected with glowing ones and ran out of the room.

"Do continue. Forget I even showed up." Isla shouted from outside the door before groaning and making her way downstairs. "Hi sugar. You walk in on them too? I swear those two go at it like rabbits. I'm just glad they're being safe or she will most definitely get pregnant and we do not need that right now."

Isla looked at Stevie's grandmother, Hera, with an expression that she knew told her everything. Hera took off her glasses and looked at her before grabbing her hand and leading her to the sectioned off den. Hera always calmed Isla and as. They walked she tried to siphon as much serenity as possible.

The moment they both sat on the couch, Isla was rambling a mile a minute. Hera let her get it out. It was obvious this was a lot for the eighteen-year-old to handle, so she listened intently and rubbed her hand in soothing circles as she spoke. Isla felt like the word vomit was gushing forth on its own accord, but she couldn't deny that when she was done, she did feel better.

"Better?" Hera asked once Isla was done. She nodded her head before Hera pulled her into a big embrace. She laid her head on the elder woman's shoulder and softly cried.

"It's going to be okay, Isla. It is. You have an entire town that's ready and willing to support you. You have a family that will do anything to help you succeed. You have the love of two husbands who cherish you to the moon and back. You can do this."

She pulled Isla up to look at her. "But if you don't feel you can. If it's all too much too have other options." Isla smiled at the woman that she looked at as her second grandmother.

"I know I do, but I also know that this baby was made with love and is here for a reason." Hera nodded her head before patting her hand. "How did the guys take the news?" Isla made a face.

"Isla Geneviève! You have to tell them." Isla sighed loudly. "I know. I know. It's just...Paxton and I just submitted college applications. Grey starts working with his father in June. We had things planned and now she's going to be here in no time."

Hera smiled at her. "She?" Isla mimicked her smile and nodded. "Harlow...the first tribrid I told you about...she can tell the gender and makeup thanks to her demon or angel sides. So, yeah, we're having a girl."

Hera clapped her hands happily. "Of course it would be a girl. There's only been a handful of instances where a Devereux witch has given birth to a warlock and the last one was in the early 1900's."

Isla chuckled at that. "You have to tell them, Isla." Isla nodded her head. "I will. Honestly, I should've just told them when we got home. They should've been first to know."

She felt overwhelmed with emotion. "I should've told them as soon as I found out. God, am I an awful wife for telling someone else first?" Hera saw the tears welling in her eyes and chuckled before pulling her in for another embrace.

"I see the pregnancy hormones are going to be a doozy with this one." Isla chuckled as she pulled back and wiped her eyes. "They are going to be happy and that's all that matters. Go to them. Tell them the awesome news and then call a family meeting tomorrow and share this blessing with everyone, okay?"

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