Chapter 18

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The following week had been an interesting one. It was currently Friday morning and Isla, Grey and Paxton were at her locker with Stevie and Derek. Grey had told her and Paxton about the party, as well as, his encounter with Cody. Paxton agreed with Cody that Selah was bad news, but Isla wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt.

Isla and Paxton didn't know that Grey was keeping something from them. Selah had made Grey swear to never reveal her supernatural makeup to anyone. The fact was the supernatural creatures that were more demonic in nature didn't reside in Ravenswood and she was worried what that could mean for her if it ever got out. He kept his word even though Riel said he was a fucking idiot for lying to their family. He swore Riel to secrecy with the guise that he didn't want to stress Isla.

Cody and Grey had talk things through and Cody kept his warning. Grey heard him, but what he knew now he couldn't help but understand why Selah moved the way she did. It didn't excuse her behavior, but he understood.

Grey made a point to visit Niklaus about his Alpha voice which stunned him. The two simply came up with the conclusion that seemed to be the answer to all anomalies in Ravenswood: Isla.

Isla met Tessa that Monday and was instantly enamored. There was such a cool and laidback vibe to her that enthralled people. When she found out she was Paxton's Beta she was thrilled. Isla loved that someone like Tessa was going to be the one watching the back of her husband. It was apparent their friendship was going to be a good and close one.

That night Elijah found himself outside of Ravenswood Hall. He knew thanks to his spy on the inside that Nina had a late-night meeting about the schools and would be done around 7 pm.

He told Margot about his picnic idea, because he knew that witches felt strangest in nature and Nina Devereux loved the night sky more than anything. Margot felt it was the perfect beginning to their rekindling and wished him luck.

As Nina walked down the steps of the Hall and say Elijah standing at the base she huffed. "What do you want Elijah?" She said walking further down. He moved to be in front of her the moment she landed at the bottom. "I want to take you somewhere." She looked at his as though he were crazy. "What part of I don't have anything to say to you do you not understand?"

"We don't have to talk, Nina. We'll just eat." Nina glared at him. "I'm not hungry." At that unfortunate moment her stomach chose to betray her and grumble the loudest she's ever heard.

Elijah smirked down at her. "Care to lie again." Nina's scowl deepened. "I don't like, Elijah. That's your job of expertise, remember." She moved past him and kept walking.

"Dinner. Tonight. No talking." She kept walking as he sped up to keep up with her short, but quick legs. "I made your favorite dinner and dessert." Nina stopped mid step.

"Banana pudding or carrot cake?" Elijah walked up behind her and reveled in the fact that she didn't pull away when he snaked his arm around her waist and pulled her flush against him. "Both." He answered causing her to shiver.

"Well why didn't you just lead with that, dumbass?!" Nina sassed before she made her way to the only other car in the parking lot and stopped. Elijah wasn't sure how she was feeling.

He didn't think to get a new car before tonight. It was the only one in his family's garage that still worked. Nina looked at the 1968 Ford Mustang Elijah received as a birthday gift from his father. They had made so many memories in that car.

"I went to your house once a month to drive it and make sure it was in good condition. I knew you never wanted me to touch it with any magic, so I kept my word on that."

She turned to look at him. "It's too special to let time apart ruin it." Elijah heard the double meaning, but wasn't sure if she meant it that way. He opened her door and watched as she got in.

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