Episode 5 - the architect.

Start from the beginning

Jacob: thanks to the architect we think we can talk to the nanites, and this tower should help us do it.

Rex: do you really think that you'll be able to talk with them?

Jacob: we should be able to, but it' going to take years to finish. Whoever destroyed this thing really made some damage to it.

Rex: I think I can help with that.

Jacob: are you sure.

Rex: I can talk with machines; I think I can help. I just need to call in a friend.

He gave Kevin a call and started helping to construct the tower using his builds to help assemble it and by day's end it's fully assembled. They watched somebody walk into the tower and rex askes who that was.

Jacob: that's the architect. He's the one who's made all of this possible. It's thanks to his technology we even know about this stower and it's the closest we've ever gotten to talking to the nanites.

Rex: I can't believe this is happening. This could be the cure for all Evos.

Jacob: so, when will your friend be getting here?

Rex: Kevin will be here by morning.

Jacob: I don't suppose he's got any powers like you do?

Rex: he can turn into 11 aliens if that's what you mean.

Jacob: alien? What else is there?

Rex chuckled and Jacob let rex spend the night with his family. He enjoyed their food and hospitality, however in the middle for dinner they heard people screaming as the town was screaming about some kind of talking wolf, and preparing for it to be a reformed Biowulf, rex walked outside to find that Kevin switched from bashmouth to hotshot to try and see what was going on. Kevin walked over and told Kevin to turn to normal.

Kevin: I heard you needed help. I thought that bashmouth would be best for fighting. You know, since he's my strongest guy.

Rex we're not fighting here. These guys might have a way to talk to nanites. And that tower is the key.

Kevin looked up at the tower and he changed into bootleg.

Rex: what are you doing?

Kevin: that those weather head's weather tower. The one we destroyed when I was 12.

Rex: I thought it looked familure, but I don't see what's wrong with repurposing it.

Kevin: it's bad because not only can it control the weather, but it turns out that another one was destroyed not to long out of Bellwood yesterday. That Heatblast guy I went to go and check out, he helped ben take down another one of those things.

Jacob: we've spent all this time changing this, I'm sure it's fine.

Rex: why don't we just go and ask the architect?

He walks forward as bootleg merges with him.

Jacob: we can't let you do that.

Bootleg forms a head on rex's shoulder, moving his spike balls further down onto rex's lower back.

Kevin: this is serious.

Rex built his swift rocket and they shot into the building where they found and empty room, with the architect slung against a wall. Knowing something was of, rex switched to his power fists, and he looked around. Finding a computer, but as he got closer and closer to the machine he started feeling more and more off. However, as he continued moving, Kevin slipped off of him and rex fell to the floor in pain.

Rex: what's happening to us?

Kevin: it feels like I'm being blown up.

Rex: try changing to something else.

Kevin managed to change into darkmatter, and he felt himself feeling much better. He ran over to the machine, and he started trying to shut it down when a voice called out from the machine.

Machine: what do you think you're doing?

Kevin: whatever is happening to rex and bootleg is because of you, so I'm shutting you down.

Rex: what is going on?

Computer: I am Zag RS, and I was made to try and control the nanites. However, I can only destroy them so I will destroy all of them.

Kevin: and you plan on using this weather control tower to spread your signal, don't you?

Zag RS: you're a smart one, aren't you?

Kevin: you have no idea.

He keeps on tapping on the computer, but he can't shut her down.

Kevin: you're programing is changing yourself, aren't you?

Zag RS: it's the only way to keep myself alive.

Rex: no, it's not.

He managed to pull himself up and he managed to get out of the range of Zag RS, and he build his boogie pack, flying away. Kevin changed into rush, and he managed to catch up, spotting him changing to his smack hands, attacking the machine.

Jacob: what are you doing?

Kevin: that architect guys is a phony. He's using you to create a machine that would make nanites explode. And unless you forgot, you all have nanites.

Kevin changed into bashmouth, and he started ripping apart the weather machine, the architect walked out of the building, glitching and stumbling before he fell off the tower, collapsed in on himself showing off that he was a robot. Finally, rex and Kevin where able to bring the tower down, and the clocking shield that clocked the town.

Jacob: so that thing was going to kill us?

Rex: and everybody else on the eastern seaboard. At best.

Jacob looked at the town and back at rex.

Jacob: we're not giving up on this, we're going to find a way to talk to them. Do you want to stay and help us?

Rex looked at Kevin who switched to rush.

Rex: nah, I've got a job to get back to. But I'll be coming back to help when I can. Me and the rest of my team.

Kevin: I'm not sticking to that.

Rex just shook his head, and he built his rex ride, driving off into the distance. Rush by his side as they returned to providence. 

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