Chapter 12 - A fight

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I waited behind the door as footsteps came up the stairs. Blaye opened it. I leapt out at him but nothing seemed to faze him. He rammed a fist straight into my stomach. I doubled over, gasping like a weakling. Come on Briella, get up and fight! I tried to stand up. Blaye grasped my wrists, holding them behind my back and shoved me forward. I twisted and thrashed in his grip but was mostly glad I was finally getting to go downstairs.

"I heard a little rumour you like to run, princess." Blaye sneered. I twisted, trying to get a good look at him. Where was this leading?

"You know, I love the sound you make when you shut up and let me go." Not my best of comebacks, but I was more focused on getting out of this madman's grip.

"Run then, Princess." To my surprise he threw me forwards. I stumbled, but didn't fall, and tried to run down the rickety wooden stairs. He grabbed my hair in a tight fist, and I was jerked backwards, falling on my knees. Then his boot connected with my back, and I plummeted down the staircase. I tried to curl into a ball and protect my head, but the world span, punctuated by sharp explosions of pain. On landing I sprawled at the bottom and didn't even try to get up, I knew my wobbly knees wouldn't support me. I trailed a dizzy arm over the back of my head and my hand came away sticky and red. 

I sucked air into my lungs dizzily. I was barely aware of Blaye lifting me by my collar and hauling me into the lounge, toes dragging. The word went in and out of focus and black spots danced on the edge of my vision. Focus and figure out what's happening!  I told myself, but I was more focused on keeping myself awake. My head felt like someone was hitting it with a sledge hammer, over and over again. 

"Jeez Blaye, how'd you get her to shut up?" Someone said. I blinked rapidly, the room seemed so bright. My vision was getting better, far too slowly.

"Is she okay?" I recognised the nervous voice of Brock.

"She is now, but not by the time I'm done with her." Calvin growled. Uh oh. Brain, hurry up!

"I'm filming." Geoff said. I could make out the black blurry shape of a phone. If I could just grab it and call the police- But there was no chance.

"So, Nick Fog. You abandoned your daughter. Look at her now. Weak and useless." A blow struck my face. Then the world finally snapped into place, the colours brightening and lines sharpening.  

I threw my fist at his face. Calvin was ready for it though, bringing his forearm up to block me and aiming a punch for my jaw. Normally I would have ducked and rolled to the ground, but with Blaye holding me in place that was impossible. I held my arms in front of my face but his fist just crashed straight through. Red poured from my nose, staining my clothes. I shut my mouth quickly but not quick enough to avoid tasting the metallic tang of blood. 

"Let me go!" I screamed at Blaye.

"This isn't fair - three on one!"

"Her precious daddy thinks she can fight, hmm? Let her go." Calvin instructed. I was dropped and I raised my fists.

"I've been having lessons from Geoff." Calvin informed me.

"On what, how to be stupid?" I fired back. Calvin's fist banged into my ear. He was fast and I was still a little dizzy from being shoved down the stairs. I stumbled backwards and rolled to the ground as he tried to punch me in the neck.

"You know, I'll never forget the first time we met." Calvin growled. He aimed a punch at my nose.

"Me neither. But I'll keep trying." I panted.

This was bad. I had fought him and won before, but that was when I wasn't covered in cuts and bruises and hadn't been stuck in one room for a week.

"You were being an idiot, acting like you could fight my whole army." Calvin carried on as though he hadn't heard me. I pretended to collapse to the ground and swiped my leg under his, making him crash to the ground. His expression turned from triumphant to shocked and a little scared. I pinned him down.

"That's not being an idiot, that's being brave. Unlike you cowardly fire clans." Geoff and Blaye glanced at each other nervously, not sure whether to help Calvin or not. Brock had a small smile on his face, a sign that showed he was on my side. I grinned. I was winning. 

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