Chapter 4 - Fighting

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Brock lunged at me, all brute force and whirling fists. I moved like a hot knife through butter, going for his clumsy boots. I swung my foot out, catching him in the crook of my ankle. And then he was falling, and I raced towards him, my fist stopping inches from his nose. I pressed my knee into his chest a little harder than I needed to, driving the point home.

"And now you're dead." I said proudly. Brock looked embarrassed, and slunk back into the crowd. I glanced at Calvin, who firmly closed his gaping mouth.

"Right then." Calvin stretched and I saw muscles bulge in his arms.

"Lets see how smug you are once you've had a piece of me eh?" His warriors cheered and I gulped, but raised my fists.

I moved first, lunging through his defences. He slammed an arm hard into mine, deflecting me as I aimed a blow for his stomach. Before even catching my breath, I aimed for his jaw, while he ducked out of the way, popping up behind me. I dropped to the ground and rolled away from the blow, jumping back to my feet instantly. We were evenly matched. I was quicker, he was stronger. We played around for a bit, punching and dodging. Then his fist connected with my ear and I stumbled backwards but didn't fall. A second punch quickly followed. I tried to swing back, but my attempt was feeble. The fire clan was roaring so loud now I was surprised Ivor didn't wake up. Calvin tried to punch me again, but I ducked under his fist and tackled him around the waist.

Calvin tottered, but quickly recovered and lunged at me again. I slammed hard onto my stomach and Calvin pinned me down, leaning on my back. I thrashed like a fish out of water

"Do you give up?" Calvin sneered.

"No!" I groaned. Calvin winded his fingers through my hair and pulled my chin up, stretching my neck.

"Do you give up?" He repeated.

"Never!" I gasped, then stretched my leg to breaking point and kicked him in the head. He fell forward, but jumped to his feet immediately. Then I ducked between Calvin's legs and grabbed the knife from his belt as I came up. I got him from behind, his own knife at his throat before he knew what was happening.

The Fire clan went silent and nobody moved. It occurred to me that I could kill him right here and now, and probably be a hero. I would bet that his warriors would kill me first though.

"Get her, you fools! Geoff, HELP ME!" Calvin wheezed. Geoff was huge, with bulging muscles and a very red face. He was also Brock's father. He wrapped his strong arm around my neck, getting me in a headlock. I swung my arm backwards, and managed to scratch Geoff's shoulder with Calvin's knife, but he barely flinched. Calvin grasped my wrist, squeezing it so hard I screamed and dropped the knife. No doubt there would be a bruise in the shape of a handprint there tomorrow. 

"Game time's over now. Tribe, move out!" Calvin ordered. Geoff carried me, kicking and screaming outside of the training centre. I yelled until Geoff jammed his fist into my windpipe, effectively cutting off my voice. They had about twenty vans, all with tinted windows. It hit me for the first time. I was being kidnapped. 

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