Chapter 11 - Demands

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For the first time since I had been kidnapped, I actually started to cry. I didn't bother shedding tears over pain, because crying never solved anything apart from making you look weak. But my own father had abandoned me and that hurt more than anything.

"Briella?" I glanced up at Brock and quickly scrubbed my eyes.

"What do you want." It came out harsher than I meant.

"I- I need to take the letter down to Calvin." I promptly tried to rip in in half.

"Hey! Don't do that!" Brock snatched it off me before I could rip it. I tried to hold onto it, but it was too hard with only one hand. I lunged forwards, but the ropes around my legs stopped me. I glared at him as he slammed the door shut and locked it. No more tears. I was angry. I reached down and loosened the ropes, freeing myself. My ankle was feeling better, I could walk properly but I guessed I had a black eye from where Calvin whacked me with a gun.

That's when it hit me. If we do find evidence they have treated you really bad, or hurt you, I promise I will stop at nothing to get you back. Calvin was going to know that if had evidence he hurt me... my dad would give him everything he wanted.


I read the letter quickly, knowing which part Calvin would be most interested in. If we do find evidence they have treated you really bad, or hurt you, I promise I will stop at nothing to get you back. I knew Calvin's sick mind. He would hurt her and get my dad or Blaye to video it. I couldn't let that happen. Maybe I could rip it up. They would believe that Briella ripped it. But then they would punish her, and she would end up getting hurt anyway.

"Brock! GET DOWN HERE!" my dad yelled. My feet responded before my brain did, running straight to him. It was a reflex to obey my dad, tightly lodged in my brain by fear. The only thing that stopped me running away was the thought of what he would do to me if he caught me. All the men turned towards me as I entered the lounge.

"Give me the letter." Calvin said immediately.

"Uhmm, it's nothing important, just I love you and I will try to save you and stuff." I rambled, still not sure what to do.

"Give him the letter now, son." Geoff said in a tone that implied he would rather call me anything but his son. Blaye impatiently grabbed it and handed it to Calvin. I couldn't help feeling a little relived. It wasn't my problem anymore.

Calvin read it and his expression was angry, then scornful, then lit up in a maniac smile. Geoff and Blaye read over his shoulder. Calvin casually tossed it aside, then his eyes gleamed.

"Bring me the girl." he said in a voice that chilled me to the bone. 

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