Lloyd also took away the guards he had set up around the gates. He didn't want to trap everyone. They were all just people. Like him. He was just a person. A person with power, yes, but a person trying to show them there was another way to power rather than fear. He was well respected in the Bend now, but no longer because of their fear of him. His experiences in the outside world that he shared with them made him admirable, almost like a hero.

He couldn't help but feel guilty for how ungrateful he used to be. He had everything when he grew up, before he moved to Baddie Bend, he just hadn't known. He always had good food and sunshine, freedom and people to care for him. He didn't know how he had been so blind to think that nobody cared... but he was determined not to make that mistake again. He had to give the Baddies the best he could. Of course, he still had those few hostile Baddies who wanted nothing to do with the renovations, but the others only ignored them. It was time for things to change in the rotten town of Baddie Bend.

Maybe since the Overlord would soon kill them all made them want to live their lives to the fullest.

Currently, Lloyd, Phil, and Cree were focused on the food situation. Lloyd and Ariana, two of the few Baddies that had actually tasted real food before, had told the town what it was like to eat something fresh, lacking mold, dirt, and flies, and no doubt got them intrigued on the subject. Now it was up to the team to try and figure out how to get their hands on this rhetorical food.

In their own Baddie way, of course.

A wide map of Jamanakai village was spread over the desk in the Main Base, which had been fixed after Lloyd smashed it.

"The coming harvest will provide the villagers with enough food to spare," Lloyd had told them. Now all they had to do was plan a way to get that spare food for themselves.

As the three discussed, Lloyd heard footsteps behind him and arms suddenly wrapped around his shoulders. A smile crossed his face as she laughed in his ear and he glanced sideways to see Ariana's head over his shoulder.

"Where have you been?" he chuckled.

Breaking off of him, Ariana stood up beside him, grinning. "Nowhere," she giggled vaguely.

Lloyd was about to turn back to the group when he realized she was still staring at him. He turned his head to see her eyes gleaming with happiness as she observed him intently. He raised an eyebrow. "What?"

She only stepped forward and gave him a kiss. "I just love you," she said lightly.

Lloyd stared at her suspiciously, knowing there had to be some other reason for her joy, but he only mumbled an "okay" before turning his attention back to the team. "The reapers gather the food here," he spoke to them, indicating his explanation on the map, "and they'll travel along here to distribute it to the village. But if we can manage to intercept them here—" his finger stopped over the path. "—and slip out in time, we'll be able to take what we need. But we have no quarrel with the villagers, so nobody gets hurt," he added with a stern glance at Cree.

The Top shook his head and drew back from the table. "I'll put a team together to scope out the route," he offered. "That way we have a better feel on where we're going."

With a nod of permission from Lloyd, Cree turned and headed out of the room, and it was then Ariana began to shiver with excitement. Now utterly perplexed, Lloyd glanced across the table at Phil, but the Mechanic seemed just as lost. Shrugging, he scurried after Cree to leave the couple alone.

When he was gone, Lloyd turned to Ariana. "Alright, what is it?" he prompted.

Ariana gazed up at him, grinning from ear to ear. "Well, I wasn't feeling that well this morning, so I decided to talk to Doc... and with all the new equipment, it didn't take long to get results—"

Alarm spiked through Lloyd. "Doc?" he echoed worriedly. He took her hands in his and looked her up and down, concern piling inside of him. "Are you okay? What's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong, Lloyd," Ariana laughed. Her eyes glittered. "It's... It's really wonderful."

Lloyd stared at her, unsure of what she was trying to tell him. "If you're not sick, then what is it?" he asked.

Ariana's eyes shone as she met his gaze, and her smile seemed to broaden even more. "Lloyd," she breathed, voice pure with joy, "I'm pregnant."

To be continued...

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