Chapter 19

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The wind blew a crisp chill of dawn into the cave as the sky began to glow with the rising sun. Cole hummed to himself as he bustled around the cave, his spirits unusually high. Today is going to be an exciting day! he thought happily, finding himself dreaming about Vanessa again. But he forced himself to think about the present.

"Let's see..." he mumbled to himself, scanning Raymond's possessions. He planned to surprise the man by preparing a fresh breakfast to eat when he returned. He rubbed his chin, furrowing his eyebrows in concentration, before deciding on something else. Oh, what the heck? I'll make my famous chili!

Nodding to himself, satisfied, he grabbed a large pot and gathered the best ingredients he could find in Raymond's storage. Rolling up his sleeves, he began to work.

As the time went on, he felt the sun beat at his back and he picked up the pace, knowing Raymond would be back soon. Leaving his soup to settle for a moment, he went and brushed up the fire, readying it to cook on. He glanced out of the cave to find it only getting later and he brought his creation to the fire to heat it up. I guess if Raymond returns before the chili's done, it'll only be hotter for him! he told himself, which seemed to boost his mood. There was no doubt he still felt horrible for what he'd said to the man yesterday, and he desperately wanted to make up for it. I'm sure he'll be hungry, and I'm already prepared!

Cole stirred the concoction, watching it bubble and blow steam at his face. He grinned and continued to mix it up, while every now and then stole a glance toward the cave mouth to see if Raymond was nearby.

But the time passed by, and there was still no sign of the man from the mountains.

Cole started to feel disconcerted; it was past the time the two of them usually ate breakfast. He probably just got held up, he tried to convince himself, pushing away his worries. Anyway, his chili was done. Heaving it off the flames, he poured it into two bowls and saved the rest in the pot. He left the bowls on Raymond's worktable and turned to watch the entrance. He'll be back any minute now!

A minute passed.

Two minutes passed.

Five minutes passed.

Then fifteen, then thirty, until Cole had been sitting around for well-over an hour. He slumped onto a rock on one side of the cave, resting his chin on his hand. Where is he? he wondered. He should be here by now... He glanced at the chili on the table. He knew it was cold now. Possibly even frozen solid. Screw breakfast, I guess, he thought glumly.

Concern began to nag at his chest. Raymond had promised he would be back for breakfast... what if something had happened?

Just when Cole was about ready to go out and search for his friend, a large figure appeared in the shadowed entrance of the cave. Relief swamped over the ninja and he rose to his feet. "Oh, Raymond, there you are!" he breathed. "I was wondering where you were." Turning to the worktable, he observed his half-frozen chili and winced. "I... I made you something, but it's kind of ruined now."

"So... Raymond was his name?" the shadow spoke behind him.

Cole stiffened in alarm. That wasn't Raymond's voice. But it was a voice he recognized. It can't be him... It can't be... Breathing heavily, the black ninja spun around as the man stepped into the light, revealing the face of Lloyd.

The Baddie shot a bloody knife into the ground, turning the dirt red. "It's a shame," he went on lightly. "He seemed like he was a nice guy."

Frozen in fear, Cole kept his round gaze glued to his rival, his mind whirling. Why did he keep referring to Raymond in the past tense? Heart pounding in his chest, Cole turned his eyes downward to the knife in the ground and suddenly understood.

Darkness from Within #7: A Promise Broken (Ninjago Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now