Chapter 12

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"For the last time, he attacked me first!"

Ariana gave a groan of frustration and skidded to a halt outside the apartment building. "Hugh would never hurt anyone," she spat. "He's sweet, and—and gentle..."

Lloyd halted in front of her, eyebrows furrowing as he spotted the smile crossing her face. "Oh, is he now?" he snarled. "Then what am I?"

Ariana broke out of her thoughts, the blaze returning to her gaze. "Short-tempered," she retorted.

Lloyd couldn't suppress a hiss. "So you're saying I'm more likely to kill someone?" he shot back.

"If they make you angry enough—yes!" Ariana shouted.

Fury boiled inside of Lloyd. "Why would you believe him over me?" Both the anger and the hurt he was feeling made his voice crack. "I thought you trusted me!"

Ariana's gaze hardened. "You never liked him," she stated. "You wanted him gone. It makes sense that you would try to kill him."

Lloyd's jaws dropped. "I wasn't trying to kill anyone!" he argued. "I was defending myself!" He panted angrily. "I could've killed him—yes, I could've! But I didn't! I didn't because I know how much that nimrod means to you!"

Ariana scoffed. "Do you think you're convincing me right now?"

"I'm not trying to convince you of anything," Lloyd sighed, suddenly weary. "I'm just trying to protect you."

"Protect me?" Ariana looked taken aback. "What are you talking about?"

Lloyd took a step closer to her. "I already told you, Hugh turned on me. It's not long before he does the same thing to you."

He tried to take her hand, but she pulled away, eyes widened in horror. "What is wrong with you?" she demanded. "Hugh is my best friend—he'd never do anything to hurt me!"

Lloyd's fury returned like a bullet. "Best friend, huh?" he growled. "He seems a little more than that to me."

Ariana stiffened, eyes glittering thoughtfully. "I don't believe this," she breathed. "You're jealous!"

Lloyd's eyes rounded. "I'm not jealous!" he screeched, his rage boiling higher.

Ariana shook her head. "What do you think, I'm in love with him or something?" she challenged.

Lloyd opened his mouth to protest, but no words came to his mouth. "W-well, no, I... I-I..."

"Haven't you ever had a best friend when you were a kid?" Ariana went on, sounding exasperated.

Again, Lloyd was speechless, and he looked at the ground. No, he thought bitterly. I didn't have any friends. Does she think that just because I was the son of Lord Garmadon I had friends back at Darkly's? He gritted his teeth. Well, I didn't. Nope, not when I 'lacked the amoral ambition to be one of tomorrow's masterminds'. He scowled. I bet they regret kicking me out now.

Ariana's voice softened as she spoke again. "So that's what this is about? You never had any friends?"

"I had a friendship with a snake that lasted less than a day," he added dryly. Then he gave a frustrated groan and drew away from Ariana as she came closer. "But that is not what this is about! It's about Hugh."

The anger returned to Ariana's eyes. "Do we have to argue about this again?" she snarled.

"Yes!" Lloyd began to tremble as the fury shot through his veins. "He's not here for you, Ariana. He's here for That Sword. And I don't want to see you get hurt when he abandons you again!"

Darkness from Within #7: A Promise Broken (Ninjago Fanfiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum