Chapter 4

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That evening, the ninja were gathered around the dining table for dinner. Cole wasn't there, of course, and neither was Lloyd, but by that point, the team had learned to accept the Baddie for who he was now. They were done trying to change him. He wasn't a part of their team anymore, and the ninja saw him as nothing but another bad guy.

"I know we've all been worried about Cole," Wu spoke up, forcing his voice not to shake. "But I think it's time we start worrying about the Overlord. He's obtained all four elemental weapons, and if I know him, he's on his way to combine them right now."

Immediately, Kai slammed his fist on the table in outrage. "Oh, who cares?" he snarled. The others flashed him uneasy looks, but he kept going. "Cole's slipping away," he hissed. "We can't ignore that!"

"I understand your grief, Kai," Wu answered steadily. "I feel it, too. Cole is family."

"Then why are we talking about that stupid Overlord?" Kai went on angrily. "Because as far as I'm concerned, his actions mean nothing anymore."

A sob broke the conversation, and Kai turned his head to see Nya racing out of the room. Jay flashed Kai a look before running after her. Guilt weighed on Kai's shoulders as he looked back at Wu. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I didn't mean to get her upset."

"I know, Kai," Wu sighed. "But you have to stop blaming yourself. No one blames you for Lloyd's actions."

Kai looked at the ground and didn't respond.

Gazing at the red ninja sympathetically, Garmadon rested a hand on his shoulder and murmured a few words to him.

Ding dong!

Wu looked up from his meal, surprised. Who would be at their door at this hour? Glancing at the others, he rose to his feet and headed for the front door, Zane and Pixal following. In the hallway, Nya was wrapped around Jay near the staircase, but they both got alert at the doorbell. Wiping the tears from her eyes, Nya joined the others with Jay just as Wu was opening the door.

The sensei blinked to see a tall, burly man with a gray frizzy beard on the front porch. He was picking at something in his teeth when he noticed Wu's appearance.

"Greetings," the sensei began, ignoring the suspicious ninja behind him. "Can we help you with something?"

The man grinned as he observed him. "So you're the one they call Sensei?" he asked.

Wu stole a quick glance over his shoulder to see Garmadon and Kai had joined them before gazing forward again. "Yes, that's me," he confirmed, now getting suspicious himself.

"Ah, perfect!" the man exclaimed happily.

Wu raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me, but is there something you're looking for?" he inquired.

The stranger gave a hearty laugh. "Why, I'm here to see my boy!"

Wu blinked blankly. "Your... Your boy?" he echoed. He didn't recognize the man as anyone he or the ninja knew.

"Yeah, he told me he lives in a monastery like this," the man added.

"Er..." Wu turned to the ninja, lowering his voice. "Do any of you know who he's talking about?"

A moment of silence passed before Kai pushed his way to the doorframe. He gazed at the stranger and drew in a deep breath. "I do," he confessed.

The man's eyes flashed with recognition and he pointed a finger at the red ninja. "You! I know you!" he chuckled. "I assume you've taken care of him, yes?"

Kai swallowed hard and turned back to Wu. "He's talking about Cole," he said, voice cracking. "Cole stayed with him in the mountains for a while."

Wu's face dropped. "Oh..."

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