Chapter 10

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Over the next couple of days, Lloyd and Ariana had begun to work on their plans for their future. They had returned to their patch of meadow beyond the waterfall and started constructing their own house. As soon as the Overlord returned, they wanted to be ready to move on. Only one more year, Lloyd would tell himself. One more year. With the Overlord and the other Baddies pushed to the back of his mind, Lloyd had only one more problem.


He just wouldn't leave. Every day, Lloyd's irritation grew and grew. He and Ariana barely had any time alone anymore. Hugh constantly drew Ariana away from him, and Lloyd found her brushing him away more and more frequently. He hated it. He hated Hugh. He hated what the traveler was doing to Ariana. She was becoming softer. More reliant. But not on Lloyd. On Hugh. And Lloyd hated it. He wouldn't let go of the distrust he had felt the first time he had met Hugh, and he knew another heartbreak for Ariana was around the corner with her attached to him so easily. As if everything would be the same after the many years they had been apart. Without even knowing Hugh back then Lloyd knew that wasn't possible. Hugh was up to something. He was sure of it. And that man shaping Ariana back into that naive girl she once was was the last thing Lloyd was going to let happen.

Just then, Lloyd found Ariana near the town gates with Ronin. Oh, and Hugh was there, too. Yippee, he thought sarcastically. Trying to push down his anger, the Baddie headed over and managed to draw Ariana away from the others.

"Hey," he began, "I was gonna go down and work on the house. Wanna give me some company?"

A smile crept onto Ariana's face. She opened her mouth to reply, but was interrupted by a voice from behind.

"You're building a house, so I hear?" Hugh trotted over to them, his brother following. His gaze locked on Lloyd as he stopped beside Ariana. "Well, we may not be as strong as you, Muscles, but Ronin and I would be happy to help."

Lloyd glared back at him, his fury boiling higher. Hugh's gaze held nothing hostile, only pure cheerfulness. A scowl was on the verge of passing the Baddie's lips as he thought not for the first time that the traveler was too unnaturally happy. And kind. Kissing up to someone, hm? he challenged silently, his eyes flicking to Ariana.

Ariana's eyes brightened and she turned her gaze up to Hugh. "Oh, you would?" she chirped. "I know Lloyd would appreciate the help." She glanced back at the former ninja for approval.

Alarm shot through Lloyd. You've got to be kidding. He gazed back at Ariana, hoping his desperation didn't show on his face. Out there on the moor was the only place he and Ariana could be alone anymore. And now Hugh wanted to take that, too?

"I don't need help," he spat without thinking.

Hugh only laughed and laid a hand on Ariana's shoulder. "Oh, don't worry, we won't be any trouble," he cooed.

Ariana grinned and, taking Hugh's hand, pulled him toward the gates. "Come on, then!"

Lloyd grimaced. Now she's listening to him over me, he thought with a stab. Uneasiness swarmed through him. He didn't like how smiley Ariana had been ever since Hugh arrived. He wasn't used to her so happy, and it was beginning to creep him out. What is Hugh doing to her? he wondered.

Seeing he clearly didn't have a choice, Lloyd stomped after them, head low. The group of four—plus the two animals that never seemed to leave Hugh and Ronin's sides, another thing that creeped Lloyd out—pushed out of the gates and onto the snow. Lloyd jolted as he felt the wave shoot through him and saw Ariana do the same. Those stupid markings, he thought. Another thing he was angry about. Then he remembered Hugh and Ronin weren't bound. A sinister idea crossed Lloyd's mind and he grinned. The two couldn't get through the forcefield on their own without the marking. They could either get trapped inside or outside. And Lloyd was ready to try the latter.

Darkness from Within #7: A Promise Broken (Ninjago Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now