Chapter 24

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"SOUNDS LIKE A PLAN," based on his plan, it seems like I've automatically committed myself into a life of crime. I'm probably going to regret this someday, but I believe it will work out smoothly, and we'll leave the scene with a clean slate.

Well, at least I hope so.

"We'll leave at sunrise—"

"No," I stopped him. "Your wounds are just healing, and you'll need another day or two to fully recover."

"Come on, I've got worse injuries before and still fought with those assholes," he rests his arms on the railing.

"We didn't meet before, so there's no one to restrain you from doing something stupid and getting hurt. But now, I'm here, and I forbid you," I talk as if I have the power to control the Red Demon. "Besides, you face the mafia group with a wounded arm and wabbly feet; the only thing you will achieve is getting more injuries. Once you're healed, your stamina will improve, and you can conquer everyone in the mansion."

He stares down the empty streets, but I doubt he can see anything because of the dysfunctional streetlights. We're surrounded by darkness since the sun has set, and Daniel has broken pretty much all the functioning lights in the apartment. The only source of light we have is candles and our phone flashlights.

I still don't get why he would want to abolish the lights out of all things? He could've broken the bookshelf in the gym room, or some dishes, or I don't know... the ceiling fan? But why the lights?

There were over sixteen candles around the apartment because our phones needed to be charged. The atmosphere felt like a horror movie where the main characters set up a pentagram and form a ritual to summon a demon.

Well, at least the air conditioning is working, cooling the apartment with my phone, playing some random playlist from Spotify. After four hours of cleaning the mess he's caused, the apartment looked neat and peaceful. And though it is past two in the morning, we're wide awake, coming up with a plan to take down the Reaper and destroy his grandfather's invention, or the Nonexistent.

"Fine," he sighs. "Never thought I'd be advised like a child and actually listen."

"Exactly, I didn't think you would listen, but I'm glad I gave it a shot," I laughed. "But I'm only looking out for you, okay? For this plan to be successful, we need to be careful because it's just the two of us against an entire clan."

He nods. "Whatever."

I rest my arms on the railings just like him with my legs hanging over the edge, staring off into the darkness, but in my mind, I'm thinking about the plan, and honestly, I'm terrified. It's shocking how I was an ordinary college boy before meeting Daniel, and now I'm about to join him on a journey to hell. And though I believe we'll win this war, there's still this tiny cloud of doubt at the back of my head, saying things will not end well.

If that were to happen, what would happen from then on? Where will my spirit go if I die? I stopped being religious and lived a life that most Christians would stray from. Will God still bring me to heaven? Or how will mom and dad be? Happy? Sad? Grieving my loss?

Fuck. Who would've thought devoting your life to someone you love comes at a heavy price? This is nothing like the romantic movies or cartoons where there is such a thing as happy endings. This is reality, and sometimes, we do not get happy endings.

Just misery.

"Let me see your wounds," I shifted my body to face him as I picked up his arm and inspected it. Here I thought a miracle would occur, and when I untangle his bandages, the wounds would disappear, or at least show some good news. But no, it didn't.

It's still the same as before, just dried.

So were his forehead, feet, thighs, and chest.

"As I said before, give another day or two for your wounds to recover," I tap his shoulder like dad would when he's done talking. It's his way of saying, you're-all-good-so-don't-worry.

The last check was his actual temperature, to which I placed my palm over his forehead.

"No fever," I sighed in relief, for he doesn't need more sickness.

When I took my hand back, he caught my wrist, to which I jolted, afraid I'd gone too far in touching him. His grasp was gentle as he held both my hands now, thumb caressing my knuckles. Our surroundings were cold, and so were his rough scarred hands. The candles provided enough light for me to see the concerned look in his jaded eyes; they shun like diamonds held under the sun.

"During the battle," he breathed. "Don't die, okay?"

Our eyes met, and his spoke a thousand words. More than I could ever explain. And right now, I didn't know how to respond.

"I know I've promised to stick around," I placed my hand above his. "But I can't do the same for staying alive. I'm about to barge into the mansion full of gangsters, and I have no experience in fighting and attacking whatsoever. My mission with you may be simple, but there will be complications, and I don't know if I could handle them all."

His eyes gazed down at our intertwined hands. He lifts them and rests his cheek against them.

"I'll protect you," he said.

"No," I sounded stern but soft. "You do what you must, and so will I. We can't risk failing the plan because of each other. Don't worry, we'll be okay."

I cup his cheek with my free hand and gently press my forehead against his.

"We'll be okay," I got a smile out of him from what it seems like forever. And it's beautiful.

His lips inched closer, and I felt my heart skip a beat as they landed on mine. My lips parted, and I felt the heat rising in my stomach as the taste of him chased all my thoughts away and made me crave more. My body tingled to his arms wrapping around me. Before I knew it, my fingers were under his shirt, his scar-filled skin radiating intense warmth. His stomach was hard, dipped, and rippled in all the right places. I yank his shirt up, and my own joined his on the ground. His hands slide down my hips and lift me like I'm made of feathers. I found myself lying on the couch, and he was on top of me, claiming my mouth once again. I was breathless, unprepared for what's coming, but my body craved more than just kissing and touching. I want to see his paradise, and I know he's ready to show me.

"It's my first time," I said when he paused.

"Welcome aboard then."

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