Chapter 23

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IT'S ALL COMING TOGETHER. Grandpa was a target since the day I killed one of the Reapers back at his science lab. Or more like grandpa's invention, the Nonexistent. He said they came for his invention, but he didn't exactly tell what it was. And then, he quit working on the Nonexistent and has never been a target since. Only now that he's completed the unfinished project was he killed, and the Nonexistent is stolen.

It all fucking makes sense now!

Gramps, I really wished you would've told me this before you left because you would still be around if you did. Maybe I was the one who was supposed to be gone. Not you.

I know little about the Nonexistent except that it'll instantly kill the victim and wipe their existence from history. And in the wrong hands, the world will fall. The light I knew in him assured me he wouldn't want this to happen.

This is why something has to be done.

But what?

"Will you stop cleaning the house?!" I snapped. Ollie has been cleaning the apartment since he patched my wounds, and frankly, I don't like it.

"Someone has to," he waved a trash bag open and started picking up the beer cans, tossing them in.

"Yes, and it's not you!"

"Then who? You? In your current condition?" He scoffs. "I don't think so."

Stubborn jackass. I gave up and rested my elbows on the kitchen counter, observing how he uses a mop. I noticed how he soaks and squeezes the mop every five strokes. If it was me, I'd just mop all the way.

Watching him clean up my mess reminded me of grandpa because he's been doing just that since the day he took me in. And I can't bear to see anyone else filling that position now that he's gone. That position should stay empty forever. Not even Ollie.

"Thank you," I said. "For everything."

He turns around to face me, sweat rolling down his forehead from all his work.

"If you're going to disappear again without telling me, I'll kill myself," he spoke after a while.

That was unexpected, but the look in his eyes and the anger in his tone shows that he's dead serious.

"How long can you be there for me?" I asked. "Forever? Because that's impossible. We're both so different, and you know damn well that someday, something bad will happen, tearing us apart. For God doesn't want his angels to be near the demons."

"Tell me one thing," he crossed his arms. "Do you want me to stay?"

"What does—"

"Answer the fucking question, Danny," he said coldly.

From the beginning, I never wanted anything to do with him. From the day I kidnapped him to the day I let him go. But that all changed when I caught feelings for him the night I saved him from getting raped. The feelings grew stronger when I kept spying on him.

Now, it's even more robust, and even with this unstable heart, I need him more than ever.


"And that's all I need to know," he smiled. "Whatever happens in the future will happen. We can't change it. But also, the future will change based on our present. And I sure want to be with you for a long time, so I'll stick around no matter what. I made a promise, and I'll keep it."

"Alright," I couldn't find the words to say because, for once, I felt whole. This hollow heart actually felt whole. "Can you stay tonight?"

"I am staying tonight," he laughs before pointing the mop towards the couch where two large bags were resting. "Maybe more than a night if you're cool with it."

"Yes, I'm okay with it," I can't help but smile because... well, I'm happy. Daniel Carson is happy. You hear that, gramps? I'm happy. I just wished you were here to see it.

Don't worry. You will see it one way or another, gramps.

I don't know what my plans are to get revenge on the Reapers, but all I know is they've messed with the wrong person, and the Red Demon will bring hell upon them.

Just not tonight.

Tonight, I want to rest with my soulmate.

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