Chapter 2

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In the middle of high-altitude flying above 35,000 feet above ground level.

"The sky is much clearer today" said Captain Shawn Gray, turning his attention to his co-pilot who was busy checking the controls.

"Certainly" said the co pilot with slight smile

Captain Grey in his forties has been working in the availability field for 20years, and as every pilot has a favorite aircraft, airport, and also their favorite co-pilot. The lady was undeniably the best co-pilot he has worked with on past flights.

She was 28 years old, some 5.8 inches tall, with a powerful athletic body, her attitude was exhibited on her sleeve. He always believed she had a bright future.

Suddenly, the Chief Flight Attendant Miranda Carlos enters the cockpit.

"Captain Grey, there is an emergency," she said in a panicked tone.

What Happened???? asked Captain Grey

"Captain one of the passenger is drunk and misbehaving with the staff "She said in frightening tone.

"Come on Miranda, you have been in this business for so long that you know how to handle such fools!" Captain Grey said forcefully.

“Captain, I tried my level best. Could you please intervene in the matter? You are well aware there is a new recruit with us, what affect will she have on her mind" she said pleadingly. 

"In next 20 min will be landing on Frankfurt airport. So please look after him for the movement." Said Captain Grey completely ignoring her plead

When Miranda was about to leave the cockpit, she glanced at the co-pilot who had a furious look on her face, and she left discouraged.

Captain Grey has just turned towards the Co Pilot besides him, indicating how furious she was at the incident to calm her down he said "Hey buddy don't get in this matters you know how this airlines management works. Even after knowing that the passengers are at fault, we will be detained for investigation any way we can focus on landing. This is what we are paid for safe take off and landings" as he gave her the wink.

She has always respected and looked up to him as a mentor.She has already started to count her fingers to calm her down and then closed her eyes for the movement which was pulled warm red to relax.

There was an announcement for passing on the seat belt and finally after long 8.15hr the flight was landed at Frankfurt Airport, Germany.

All passengers were walking off the plane with their luggage. The particular passenger slumped in his seat and refused to disembark. When Natasha the new flight attendant finally managed to get him on his feet, he pressed her against the side of the cabin. As he just groped her, she became terrified. Suddenly, someone grabbed hold of his collar from behind, and the flight attendant was shocked to see the co-pilot move him away from her.  Her eyes were raged with anger as she dragged him to the lavatory of the aircraft. Being impaired by alcohol, he had difficulty defending himself.

He began bleeding when she slammed him against the seat so hard. Till that time the attendant was still trying to process what have just happened.

All the Flight attendants and crew members ran forward when they heard a loud noise, and saw the man lying unconscious with bleeding everywhere.

The pilot took advantage of the opportunity, and said with a straight face, "Man why do you drink so much. Look at him, he just fell in a drunken state, and he actually injured himself."

Turning her attention to Miranda, the pilot said, "Nowadays, accidents are quite common and we cannot help it."

Prior to anyone reacting or saying anything, Miranda the head flight attendant said "Please call ambulance, there is a medical emergency"

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