Chapter 19

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Y/n pov

We was at S.H.I.E.L.D where the stone was being kept for safety I remembered when we gave to one of the other Agents and they was told to keep it somewhere where no-one would find it we we followed them cautiously to find them getting on a Hydra plane of course they was undercover Agents for Hydra we quickly got into the elevator dressed as a Hydra Agent we looked at the scepter and looked at each other I threw the first hit back and forth the fight was endless until I burnt the Agents to crisp leaving the mind stone on the floor we grabbed it and exited the elevator on the next floor we went back to where we was teleported to and Steve gave me the scepter "here take it back I have another stop to make" I nodded and returned back we was the first back and I showed Pepper the stone and she laughed "Was getting the stone that easy now all you have to do is get the stone out" I grabbed the stone no remorse and chucked the scepter aside and smiled happily.  I looked at the glove that Tony had made from his 3D printer while we was gone it was done was we gone that long?  I took it out and put the stone in the glove that meant that it was activated so I watched it carefully waiting for the others to arrive one by one the pairs arrived back placing their stones in the glove all we was waiting for was Clint and Natasha we waited and waited then finally,  Clint arrived he showed us the stone but me and Bruce looked at each other "Where is Nat" Bruce said and Clint just looked down I looked at Bruce we all knew without him saying that Nat was gone he put in the stone and we all took a moment of silence.

After a while we all got back to work we needed a way to get another Thanos here to defeat as well as gaining all the other Avengers back we had to fight Thanos wit what we had left it was a all or nothing or situation but what we didn't know was that the alternate Thanos was already on his way to us to Avenge what the other could not achieve and that was ruling the world.

We had to figure out who was to use the new gauntlet Hulk did it first reviving half of the population  of what was wiped we just needed to find out what had happened. We decided to find out where the alternate Thanos would land and attack from there where he could maybe do no damage we figured out it was on some old abandoned field and he would be here in less than a day if we wanted to beat him we had to leave now.

We decided it was best to take one of S.H.I.E.L.D's old hanger planes it would be quicker and more efficient I said bye to Brook and left with the others the ride was longer and miserable no-one  really talked most of us was scared  it was hard doing something we could not originally do I had to plan out my strategy what powers I was going to use I knew I could summon them all but I didn't know the dangers I looked at my ring I had to take the chance I closed my eyes thought about all 5 of my elements Ice, Water, Fire, Air and earth coming together I felt the powers flow throw me I opened my eyes my outfit was a range of colours I had a crown on my head and my hair was a darker colour with coloured highlights in the tips I summoned a sword the metal part was coloured for each section I looked at everyone who looked in shock.

we arrived at the field just in time because in front of was out alternate Thanos he looked at us all and smiled wickedly "look what we have here the avengers I am going to love destroying you well what you have left in your little team all over again." I smirked at Thanos as I got my sword ready and thought of ice if I stabbed him he could freeze from the inside I went forward and stabbed him but he just broke it my eyes widened as he grabbed me by the chin  lifting me up and Tony came forward and used his suit to let me go and so I was Steve looked at me as he watched the fight something was wrong something we his eyes widened "y/n create a fire barrier Avengers retreat I got some good news once everyone was in the circle I created the fire barrier and gathered around all of a sudden portals  was created all around people was in the sky and on the ground ready to fight people stood forward and all of suden someone joined me "Bucky " he smiled and was ready to fight he was back they all of a sudden Steve stood forward as I got ready to take the barrier away "Avengers we are hear to fight for our home and our families we are hear to save the world so lets come together and Assemble" I got rid of the barrier and let him go as he said the 2 words I have yet to hear from him or anyone "Avenges Assemble"

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