Chapter 11

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That night
Y/n pov
I was sitting on the floor Bucky was in a Jail cell a secure one time inside of the room but he did grant that he could speak so we had that. I looked at him " I enjoyed the date well at least what we had of it" he chuckled "you know you said this date was important why" I stood up and looked at him "I know this is gonna sound bad but I was gonna ask you to be my girlfriend again well not again because you don't remember anything" I looked down sadly the words hurt because I knew it it hurt him to say that " I'm sorry I wish I could"  I slumbered back down " hey no saying sorry what's important is I got to see the my soulmate again in this bad ass form" I laughed " I've knew from the beginning of our timeline that my only purpose to live was you and when I saw you here helping S.H.I.E.L.D that gave me hope and even Steve said he was surprised and once I told him your past life died well he said it was a second chance and I'm all about that so what I'm trying to say is will you be my girlfriend" I walked to his cell and put my head on the glass and my hand "Yea I will" I smiled at him and he smiled back "now get some sleep I'm not going anywhere" he said sarcastically and I just laughed a fell asleep.
Bucky pov
I didn't mind being under watch if it meant I'd see y/n happy she was anyway but she deserved a peaceful life she left peacefully all night and even if she didn't i knew that she knew I was there I didn't sleep at all but when did I ever I kept on having nightmares and y/n knew it so I jus didn't sleep so she didn't have to worry
That morning
Y/n pov
I got up "morning Bucky nick asked me to clean up before this guy comes here unfortunately he asked I not be there " bullshit I asked nick to request you'd be there" he said I gave him a stern look and he sighed " look I wish I was as much as you but that's okay you'll be fine Tony will be here and Steve they'll entertain you" I laughed and he just rolled his eyes rolled "fine but you have to promise you'll ask nick to free me as soon as it's done I'm in control and hes just getting rid of this curse " don't worry Bucky I did and he agreed" I smiled and kissed the glass "now I'll see you later" and left to do work "I grabbed a breakfast bar and got cleaning it wasn't long until Tony came in "morning Tony" he smiled as he handed me coffee " Steve said it was your favourite I figured you need it" I smiled and took it " thank you I appreciate it"  not long after I drank my coffee everyone else had arrived sitting and smiling at me Nat joined my side and held my hand "he is going to be fine" I sighed " I know but what if he isn't I can't protect I'm pretty powerless" she looked at me sadly she knew I cared about Bucky "here we was talking to nick and we all think you deserve it your special y/n" I looked at the ring it had Latin inscription  "what is it" Nat put it on me "it's a ring" I laughed and looked at the ring and hugged Nat "you're really cold" and Natasha just shrugged it off Nick came in and looked at us all "it's time"

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