Chapter 6

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A few months later
Y/n pov
It has been at least 3 months since Bucky was released from hospital he came back home a new man to most people but me he was literally weak for me when it came to Steve or Howard and even Peggy he acted so tough and scary but being experimented on by Nazis was tough on him and I stayed away making sure he never had a nightmare we talked about it regularly about how he was feeling we danced from time and time but within these few months a lot has happened Rogers made an elite unit called Howling Commandos and Bucky was the first invited they've done numerous missions against hydra and the nazis but this one was the biggest one yet there was a train going somewhere and it was there job to stop it transporting everything to the base in anyway possible the mission was tonight which means it was now or never but I had a bad feeling about this.

Bucky pov
Before I left I kissed y/n goodbye I promised here I'd be in bed with her in the morning and left to stop the train shutting the door and getting in Steve's car I got in my giant robot suit and Steve geared up in his captain America suit we and the rest of the member was to wait on the base just in case we couldn't stop the train in time we got on the train nice and steadily and the plan was going smoothly and just as if they expected us Nazis biggest devices and attacked one on one "Steve my devices have been disabled we need to go now" he nodded and we tried to fight back and before I know Steve was on brink of death so I pushed him away and fell "Steve tell y/n I love her" and crushed to my death but with death you don't wake up so why did I wake up " ouch what happened" I looked around I was tied up but alive my arm was metal than someone came in "hello mr barnes my name is Arnim Zola and I saved ur life then experiments in the past made u stronger unfortunately ur friend didn't make and was frozen to his death but the a person that saved our life and unconscious u fight that arm is possessed by a Soviet Union curse and we've tried a million of times nothing worked so we decided we need to let your guard and who better to do it then y/n her self" my eyes widened y/n she was tied up helpless out of my reach I couldn't save her I tried to get out I couldn't and the man smirked " now y/n is such a pretty girl I see why you love her but lives had to end such a shame " he grabbed a Swiss Knife and held it to her throat " don't you dare touch her"
Y/n pov
How did I get here will I was captured by the Soviet Union as soon as he left and I was abused and fucked like a whore and now I was at knife point I looked at Bucky in the yes he wanted to save me but he knew he couldn't but something up he'd given up "fine you can do whatever just don't harm her she's my everything" tears rolling down my eyes the man nodded to his colleagues to and started wiring up Bucky for experimentation " oh and mr barnes" he looked up " say goodbye" and slashed my neck open everything went black
Bucky pov
Hooked to machines was the easiest decision I made y/n had no part in this she deserved to go on and live so I choose her life over mine and let go of all retaliation that my body had as people started getting ready "oh and mr barnes" I looked up at the man that had saved but destroyed my life " say goodbye" my eyes widened he had sliced y/na neck open killing her in one and making sure she was dead cut off her head chucking it at the floor " that wasn't the agreement you said you let her go not kill you bastard I went to get out the restraint I had gained strength back for her I had gone out it was like I was dead by I could still see I wasn't controlling my body this meant no good

1 month later
It has been a month since the love of my life died and this past month all hydra was doing to me was torturing me I had bruises everywhere the gave me a new name the winter solider I was brainwashed I wasn't in control I could only see what was happening not control my body I did awful things I had a metal prosthetic arm that controlled this curse I wasn't Bucky barnes no more I was The winter Solider the super solider to help nazis win the war but they never did because I was let go and left for dead until we reached the 20th century

Eternal love (a Bucky barnes fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें