Chapter 7

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The winter solider pov
It was the 20th century all my old friends from hydra was dead but that's okay because they was traitor when the boss for hydra took over he had big plans for me giving a lot of assassinations and I did every one of them I was the bosses favourite because he hired me to comitt the biggest assassination yet it was to kill John. F Kennedy and the mission was a success but apparently according to the boss that wasn't good enough "winter solider your kill was great as we can now create this singular world government which will be used greatly but for the now" he switched me off and I feel into a cryogenic sleep where I was confronted with Bucky "why you know you can fight back I ask you so many times we both know if we want to share a life we can't control the person who would of done it and helped us both was killed and you never thought back for both of us" he was crying he had lost his wife many years ago and never forgave me you would think a guy would of let go " listen it is our job to serve not run away and live happily ever after we destroy not cause peace" he went to punch but then I woke up " solider it's the Korean War I nodded and knew purpose to win I went to attack and killed almost everyone and then I was confronted by a super solider Isaiah Bradley about everything I'd done and used his strength and snapped my arm in half I went back to the base defeated but I gave hydra new light it was time to give the winter solider super hero serum


We had finally found a dose of super hero Serum the Stark family had it. My Job was to find their car at midnight stop the car and at whatever cost kill Maria and Howard stark for that serum and as reward the serum would go into my new arm that was made for me after the Korean War and I'd be the most powerful super solider ever so at midnight I got on a hydra bike and after 1 hour I found the car I got the gun and shot all the Tyres with a breeze and stopped in front of the car and grabbed Howard stark and crushed him death grabbing the super solider serum from the car then I made sure Maria Stark was dead so she couldn't give any information to police and drove off with serum from that day after the serum was injected I was the winter solider with super serum

Eternal love (a Bucky barnes fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt