Chapter 13

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Y/n pov

I sat with Steve at his house devising a plan and decided to fight fire with fire "so here's the plan we get Bucky out and prove that it was Zemo that's your job Steve I'll get people on our side if we do it in secret we can get out of here back to Hydra Facility in Siberia and prove you he is innocent but the team is just in case" he looked and me and smirked and gave me an old cell this has Clint's and Sam's number on call them both they will agree we was talking about this earlier on while you was visiting him someone heard us because a glass broke mention Maximoff and Lang they will know what to do then meet us at the parking lot by S.H.I.E.L.D I nodded as I left with the phone and went home and started making calls first with Sam I dialled his number it rang 2 times and he answered "Hello? Steve what is wrong" I laughed and sighed and spoke into the phone "Y/n not Steve I'm apart of the team for Bucky I'm going to phone Clint and he want you both to go to Maximoff then you return to Steve I'll meet with Clint and Maximoff to get Lang". I heard rustling in the background some times faint and sometimes late and he finally came back "When are we starting Miss y/n"  I laughed and hung up after saying the one word that made the plan in action "Now" I decided to call Clint before going to Tony he was probably the only one who knew what happened when I trapped Bucky in Ice that came from my hands I knew it would come useful. The phone rang 4 times and he answered and he must of been tired "Steve I was asleep this better be very important or else I'm going to kill you I promise" I laughed "Y/N meet Wilson at Maximoff's when  you get her in the plan the meet me at the halfway to Lang's then I'll tell you the rest from there we start now" I packed a bag and left to Tony's he would answer my questions I pressed the Buzzer and Edith spoke "Miss L/n come in I smiled and thanked her  I saw Tony on the stairs " Hi Stark I have a question"  He looked at me and walked down to me "When I was hurt that day I stopped him with Ice it came out from me and it has never happened before" he smiled at me and grabbed my hand with the ring that they all pitched in "This it was an Artefact that only one person who was worthy and it chose you it will take time to hold and use but you can use the powers now they have been unleashed" I nodded and looked at the empty plant pot and imaged a nice tree and then moved my hand to the pot and out grew a tree "God I did that" I hugged him I heard my cell ring it was Steve "One second" I answered the phone "Hello Steve how is it going" I waited but nothing but angry breathes did he fail "You are such a traitor going to the enemy you are useless" then someone else took the phone "It's Bucky we are through" the line ended they was watching me they didn't trust me even Bucky they hated me I turned to Tony "The fight I know it's happening and don't try to say I am not ready I want to Join please" Tony looked at me and nodded and gave me an address all the way in Georgia "Go to this person on train read the information say Stark Sent you he will happily join us" I nodded and left straight away I go on the train Tony had booked first class I took a seat and read over the file his name was Peter Parker young he was Spiderman very academic in High School I looked at his suit it wasn't the best I texted Tony and he hade made him a suit and looked at his identity very cute he lived with his Aunt for a while and had thought the Vulture so far successfully I got to Georgia and walked to his apartment and knocked the door and a young woman answered "Hello ma'am I'm with Stark Enterprises I'm looking for a Peter Parker?" Her eyes widened with shock and let me in quickly and sat me down and smiled " Peter is on his way home please sit he should be here soon" I smiled and thanked her and sat as she sat by me "So what's your name and how old are you because you look so young to be working for Stark"  I smiled and laughed as she gave me some Coffee and I thanked her once again "I'm Y/n I'm 22 and I worked with both S.H.I.E.L.D and Stark for 3 years now I was very academic like Mr Parker and just as I said that the door opened "Peter someone is here for you" as he walked past me he turned around "I'm y/n I work with Stark and he needs your help with a project" he shook his head and his Aunt said sorry and told me she get him out I shook my head and entered my room and locked it "Look Parker we need you Iron Man needs you to fight for him Spiderman" his eyes widened as I made a vine pully his suit from his hiding spot. I smirked "Look I'm glad Stark choose me but I have high school and I couldn't leave May" I turned around "Guess we should tell May you're Spiderman I grabbed the door handle and he shot webs and my hand was stuck to the door  "FINE just don't tell her" I smiled and left the door I smiled at May and gave her a card " This is Stark's number if you need us call that number Peter has agreed and we leave now. Peter hug your Aunt bye she is so lovely so deserves it" They hugged each other and we left for the train the journey was long silence was all I heard until we reached Stark with our team Natasha, Rhodes and Vision and helped us off.

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