Chapter 10

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Y/n pov
I have been hiding Bucky for 2 years now I still work for S.H.I.E.L.D and no-one suspects a thing Bucky has been opening up a bit more and he has nightmares a lot he took me on our first date a week ago a little cafe with cats it was so adorable it was my turn for date night and I had something big planned I booked a week off work go to Bucharest a little get away from all his life problems he wanted to start talking to Steve again because it was time " Steve can I talk to you" his eyes looked worried we hadn't talked since Bucky disappeared in the woods "what's wrong" I looked at him "let's go somewhere where ears can't listen" I clocked out and said by to the Avengers loads of new people had joined but it was fun there's was more girls than ever me, hope and Wanda it was so cool we walked back to my house "please come in"  I opened the door way and Steve stood as he saw Bucky in the hall way "I'll leave you be I'll be back" I left them alone this a big step for Bucky and I just hoped it went well
Steve pov
I sat down across from Bucky "how long have you been here with her" he looked at me and said "2 years she's the same since we last saw her some things never change" I smiled buckys heart whether she had that second chance or not would always belong to y/n "God gave her that chance and 2 years ago on that cliff you was almost as shocked as I was do you know what Happened to our y/n not present y/n" he looked down tears forming "Hydra kidnapped her on our last mission together and then threatened to kill her if didn't give any of my resistance which I did but as they tubed me and injected me the last thing I saw before turning was him calling my name and sliced  her head off and she screamed and cried as he did slowly I lost her when I lost me" I looked down "are you planning on telling her" he nodded "she needs to know before any thing goes further she deserves with kindness she has gave me" I nodded we chatted away I promised my friend not to say a word because y/n and him would both go down and we both knew she didn't deserve to go to jail "I'll visit soon" y/n walked in and smiled and laughed "just make sure it's not next week please Steve" we both stared at her confusingly "why?" Asked Bucky " because me and you are going for a weeks get away to Bucharest I laughed as Bucky hugged her "well I'll let you go pack I'll see you in a week"

2 days later

Bucky pov
I was laying on the sunbed and looked at y/n she was sleeping peacefully I loved her just as much as I used to I was planning to ask her to be my girlfriend tonight but first she needed to know our past I tapped her solider with my one normal arm so I knew that she wasn't going to get hurt "what's wrong Bucky" she turned to face me "can we go to the room I need to talk to you" she nodded we grabbed our stuff and left for the room "so I'm ready to talk to you about my past but promise not to freak out" she nodded I told her everything from birth to being the winter solider and mentioned her I waited for her response "y/n says something" she said nothing but she hugged me tightly " I'm sorry you had to go through all of that" I hugged her back and lifted her chin up finally looking into her eyes bright and meaningful not a regret to be seen I leaned in and kissed her softly she kissed back "yea it's you definitely my y/n my purpose" she laughed  "I'm taking u on a date you've done so much for me it's time I do something for you she laughed and kissed me again and I happily kissed back
Later that day
Y/n  pov
I was on a big hill the sun was setting me and Bucky was laying on the grass watching the clouds it was beautiful we had a picnic with champagne I've never had a more perfect date I slowly fell asleep in buckys arms "Bucky barnes  your are under arrest by S.H.I.E.L.D for attacking Vienna and killing King T'Chaka of Wakanda resist now or we'll put up a fight" me and Bucky got up quickly  "BULLSHIT he couldn't of done anything" I thought fasted and shot fury an apologetic look "she's right fury he's been with y/n the whole time both Sam and Steve stood buy me and I smiled and all 3 looked and me and Bucky whispered "run please you could go to jail I love you" I didn't want to but I knew I had to do I ran and grabbed all my clothes and my earpiece "fury can you hear me" as I rushed to the airport in a cab "loud and clear" I payed the driver and told him where I was going "fury I need an escape route" a deep sigh came from the other line a sigh of regret " S.H.I.E.LD have a plane waiting for us go there I'll say that you was with me and waiting for us to leave" I smiled and thanked him I just had to hope I'd see everyone there.
Bucky pov
With y/n gone me, Sam and Steve got ready to fight Steve especially knew I was no where to be seen near vieanna "Steve any idea who caused this" as we backed up "ex-Sokovian special forces solider Helmut Zemo I got Natasha to do the work saw him on the cameras then left evidence of you doing it and now all of the sudden I was hit to the ground " You killed my father now I'll kill you" he went to slash at me but Sam hit him out the way "T'challa my Bucky has nothing to do with it" then we got into a whole fight me until the police came "Bucharest police your underaresy all 3 of you for assault" that's when nick came in with his badge " S.H.I.E.L.D  these 3"pointing to Sam, Steve and T'challa "are with me and for the other one we need him so we'll take it from here" the 3 of rushed to Fury's side as fury hand cuffed me I was thankful it was me and not y/n we went to the airport and got on the plane and saw y/n "your okay" she looked at fury and he nodded and she quickly ran and hugged me "Fury what happens now" he looked at her. "We have to come him under S.H.I.E.L.D eyes until we can get him free fully of this curse but until the he is under our custody he has a special psychiatrist seeing him  tomorrow but until then I'm naming you to watch him she smiled "thank you we both appreciate it even if he doesn't" fury laughed "let get this fucking plane moving" and we left back go America.

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