Chapter 14

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Y/n pov

I smiled as tony came up to us "Well done miss l/n your apart of the team I got you both a little present as he handed us a bag "suit up we start immediately" I nodded and went to the bathroom and changed the suit was amazing It was a normal suit that adjusted to the element I wanted to wield so I tested it out as I walked out I thought of fire the suit changed it was a red suit with high boots with heels a head piece to match the outfit and I smiled and nodded approvingly at Tony. I thought of nothing and my suit turned black like Natasha's and I joined her side as Tony stood in front of us " Thank you all for helping me take down Steve's team and re-capturing Barnes especially y/n who choose us over well Barnes her ex lover so here is the plan y/n and Parker are going after Bucky and Wilson stop them anyway you can, then Vision you are the only one to stop Wanda so that's your target" I raised my hand and Tony nodded meaning I could speak "Get in line Stark your plan is great but I have the high ground Steve team is literally unpredictable we don't know what to except If we try having targets we will have a good idea of winning so Tony your eyes are on Captain, Vision your Wanda she might let her guard down for you, Nat your Clint he will fight but he wouldn't hurt you so your the ideal person Rhodes your Wilson try take him away from Barnes peter your with me we're hunting Barnes and that leaves Black Panther your on Antman" They all nodded and clapped as I smiled and Tony spoke up " go on Y/n say it your apart of us officially now" I knew what he meant either him or Steve said it in every Battle I brought my fire suit back and lead them to the battle facing Steve "Avengers Assemble" we both said it at the same time everyone gathering behind either me or Steve I looked at Bucky and he looked away so I looked back at Steve "This is your last chance Steve surrender or we shall go to war" He got his shield as he signalled something and Wanda used her powers to make a barrier from a plane tube "We go to war then" I used my powers to melt it as Changed from fire to Ice shooting towards Bucky not caring about other then I was Knocked away by Steve  "Sam take Bucky and go" They ran inside the building as I managed to wipe Steve out to Tony "Parker time to prove yourself lets go get them "Hold on tight" he grabbed me as he shot webs and hide us in the building waiting for Wilson and Barnes to arrive I thought of Ice and Earth "whoa your suit is cool" I hushed him as I saw Barnes  coming in as Wilson scanned the area "lets camp here no sign of anyone" So they sat and Sam looked at him as Bucky rolled his eyes "Why did you break up with her you love her what id she was at Starks to learn about her powers" I held Peters arm as I mouthed wait and he got confused but he waited "I don't know I love her a lot and now she hates me I guessed Seeing her there got me overwhelmed but if she's a traitor" I nodded at Parker and he webbed them trapping them "Traitor I am not a traitor I knew I had powers and the only person who knew about them was him he knew how to help I do love you ALOT" Bucky got angry and got free and attacked Peter "you took her from me" I froze Bucky and Sam just for caution I handed parker a key "that's for the plane take it with you " he nodded and left and I unfroze Sam "why don't you try stop him" he looked at Bucky and he nodded so he left with a confused look " I'm sorry I went to Tony I know you or Captain could of helped but I knew Tony would help me be stronger to defeat them and now I have to defeat you but sometimes people get away it's not my fault" I thought of fire and melted him and I smiled "Y/n thank you i broke up with you because I have a feeling we might fail and that means you going to Jail I want you to be free thank you though" he stepped closer and kissed me and so I kissed back and he left winking at me I went back to at least try and act like I wanted to win but I came back and Wanda tried unblock the rocks but Rhodes stopped her Widow did not stop them or try to so I held the rocks to help them and ran in and winked at Tony "I'll follow them" and he nodded knowing the plan but my plan was to help Bucky but they didn't know that  I grabbed on hiding in a box and we left I thought deeply and created a barrier so they couldn't stop us and but I stopped Sam and corrupted his engine by melting it through my mind and he was gone I looked at Bucky and Steve and I grabbed headphones to listen in " So she just let you go didn't even say why" they was talking about me again "Yes we may have kissed I told her why we broke up my reason the real reason"  A deep sigh came from Steve I smirked and spoke up as  I walked in "you know it's rude to talk about someone bad or good" Bucky turned around and he hugged me "I told you to stay not come why I laughed as I hugged him back " You need me so tell me where are we going"  

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