Chapter 8

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Steve pov
It was 2009 I was frozen in ice after the battle on the bridge on the train and the world has changed so much Bucky was dead and no doubt in my mind was Peggy or y/n not alive I had joined an elite group called shield and we made a superhero group to save the whole of America and our plan was to bring back the winter solider into custody Nick Fury had discovered the winter solider was a curse and who ever was put under a curse needed help so we all agreed to capture him release them the curse and give them therapy we was just waiting to meet the therapist "Steve she's here" nick said I was in charge of therapist because I suggested it but nick choose her so she had to be the best so I left to greet her.  In the whole standing in the hall way my face stopped " hello my name is y/n l/n it's great to meet you" she held her hand out and I shook it the name the looks everything if only Bucky was here y/n was gifted a second chance by God but she knew nothing about her past life "hi thank you for coming if you follow me we will get u an  outfit and name badge then your officially an agent for shield and avengers " she smiled and followed me to the staff room I looked across the room got her the badge on the desk, gave her a blue dress some tights, dolly shoes and a bow "change into this and we will discuss the plan she exited the room and changed in less than a minute came out in the outfit "shall we go" I nodded and lead her to the room with the out critical people that are part of the plan "please have a seat" she nodded and sat down next to Natasha "everyone this is y/n". Everyone was sat down waiting for nick now per usual then he final came in

Y/n pov
I was sat down next to the avengers and awaited what Mr fury said " winter solider is planning an assassination to a nuclear scientist  tonight so tonight is our chance to put this chip into him and I'm sending widow as she is highly trained with being stealthy" I looked confused and looked at my notes on the winter solider he had been around since world 2 he doesn't age because of this serum so we needed to fight serum with serum why wasn't he seeing that so I raised my hand " sorry to interrupt but looking at my notes he has been around for years and he had serum injected into his arm so he is just like Steve so wouldn't it be better to send Steve" Nick sighed and walked slowly until he was looking down at me "Miss l/n I appreciate our here and eager but that is the most stupid fucking idea ever" I looked down and I heard him sigh "but if this doesn't work we can try this idea I promise, I looked back and smiled at nodded. 

Natasha's pov 

Nick walked away from y/n after saying his promise he probably wouldn't keep and stood in front of all of us again "okay so let's get Natasha geared up and ready then at exactly 1:00pm we will dispatch her to the nuclear scientist to protect him and free winter solider from this curse with the chip" we nodded and left I walked straight to the preparation room there tony and Steve got me ready going over every last detail of what I should do and they handed me the chip I looked at it and placed it into my third bullet why because normally I don't miss but this guy has been around for years and may already know are moves if he's seen us on tv I was ready and it wasn't even 1 so we went to the staff room where the others was and sat down next to y/n and started a conversation with her someone had to do else it would of been quiet for 1 hour  " so y/n what made you want to give therapy to whoever winter solider" she looked down and sighed " I don't really know but I saw winter solider on tv after being offered the job I remember saying I'd think about it and watch him kill all these people his eyes inside was sad like he couldn't control it and felt as if we had this connection so it was better to go off that then nothing what about all of you what are you names both normal and superhero and why be in the avengers" I laughed at her  " this is Tony Stark he's iron man, this is Clint Barton he's Hawkeye, that is Bruce Banner he is the Hulk, you know Steve Rogers and that he is Captain America, That is Thor Odinson and he just goes by Thor and I'm Natasha Romanoff and I go by Black Widow and we joined the Avengers to probably save the world from the bad we all experienced" she nodded and then Nick came in "Widow you need to go now I had word that Winter Solider is going to attack sooner" I nodded and ran to the garage and grabbed the first motorbike and left I rode as fast as I could and arrived at the lab I showed my badge and walked to lab and when I entered he was dead, I was too late and sighed and called S.H.I.E.L.D.

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