Chapter 9

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Y/n pov
I was sitting with Nat we don't know why but I come everyday just in case it has been 5 years and still no sign of the winter solider.  Then Steve rushed in and grabbed us to the gear room and sat us down "he's back and he's here ambushing nick stay here y/n gear up just in case I nodded as Steve left I grabbed guns and  bullets I wasn't a field agent but I knew a thing or 2 from Natasha. We both hide on both sides of the door just in case and got ready to shoot.

Steve pov
I ran to the Center of the attack and ambushed the winter solider both using our strength on each other I grabbed an ear piece from the side and plugged it in "fury how is everything looking" I deep sigh that wasn't good I grabbed a gun and shot at least 5 times he wasn't injured " S.H.I.E.L.D has been comprised I have no control over doors everyone is unsafe Steve evacuate all agents and y/n and"shit fury I went to find the winter solider but nowhere in sight "y/n are you there"  a sudden reply of yes came quickly "good listen to me carefully I want you to go to the camera room bring a weapon we have been comprised and look for. Fury and tell me where he is"  heard guns in the background "okay I'll go now that it's clear"  and I just waited for a response.
Y/n pov
I moved quickly but cautiously I passed an exit with hydra helicarriers I took  a bit of a detour i shot down all assains and rewired the carriers so we can use them to our ability "Steve I got us an exit helicarriers by west side where I see Fury" a sigh came from the end of the earpiece "y/n i need you listen and listen carefully you are going in to save him while me and nat get wilson you haven't met but he can help and it is vital if you can't save him get that flashdrive because we will need it and meet us outside before we leave" I nodded to myself and went in the hallway hiding behind the wall listening into fury trying his best to scare the winter solider away but all I heard was a sacrastic laugh I used the window to see the soliders postioning and he was facing nick so I went in  and hid behind a target there was row of targets that led me to nick so I could ask for the drive one by one I reached nick and whispered " nick it's y/n imma need the flash drive I'll get it out of here with the solider" he sighed and spoke to the solider but I knew his plan " fine you win the flash drive isn't with me it's with someone else in the back pocket room for emergency supplies" I grabbed the flash drive from the pocket and shot the bin down causing a distraction for me to run out but he saw me " get back here you kid" I ran and ran to the choppers and saw Steve, Nat and this new guy and the took of as I jumped and grabbed the rail each person was driving one I was with Steve and sighed and sat in the passenger seat as we flew off and I grabbed earphones "So I got the drive" I headed cheers Natasha's and Steve's as I handed it to Steve "Steve I hate to cause a problem but a have a friend of ours in my carrier" I rushed to the door and grabbed the railing shit he was with Nat I shot the engines as Nat went down but he didn't he jumped to our ship "shit Wilson and rogers he's here "putting auto pilot on" Steve came out and hid me as Wilson jumped from his helicopter and flew to us I watched the battle this solider was strong.

Steve pov

I stopped and looked at the winter solider I had hit his mask off and saw Bucky he was alive that means there was one person who could save him y/n she didn't know who he was or about his past life but if Bucky saw her he wouldn't kill her I pushed him out and took us with him and explained to everyone me, Sam and y/n "The winter so slider is Bucky Barnes an old friend of mine we won't hurt or kill him but I have an idea y/n go up to him face to face as a las t resort if me and Sam get hurt and shoot the chip into him" I handed her the flash which was now a chip bullet as we landed into the water me and Sam got out and thought Bucky it wasn't long he had destroyed Wilsons suit and I told him to back up else he die so it was just me and him going up to a cliff where we led to the potomatic river that's where she came in front of him "Stop it right now or I will shoot then we win you will die and that's not fair to Bucky Barnes is it" I was on the edge and I looked and Bucky who looked at me with shocked eyes and looked at y/n her lowered his gun looking astonished on how she was here he obviously knew something I didn't but then something must of snapped the next thing I knew I was off the edge and into the river the last thing I saw was y/n firing her bullet and freeing Bucky because he saved me but before I could stop him he was gone but she went after him I guess she was our last hope.

Bucky pov

I ran into the woods deepest I could and sat on a rock and decided to take in what I saw i saw Steve he was alive and he knew it was me and spared my life but y/n was there to which confused me I watched her die in front of me her crys for help that day always would haunt me but if steve didn't know who I was then who is y/n or even was she y/n i needed some answers and I knew the place to get them as I got up I crashed into "y/n" she looked shocked as I helped up "how do you know my name" she didn't now me so I looked and thought quick " your badge but why are you here" she sighed and looked at me her eyes more blue than the last time they sparkled "I may be apart of S.H.I.E.L.D but i'm not cruel I won't force you back because that isn't my job my job was to be your therapist but I can see you aren't going to hurt me so I'm offering you my home tonstay and hide rent free I won't say a word but please accept" I didn't want to look at her eye because all I saw her face back when she was killed so I just hugged her and she hugged back tightly "y/n come with me" she nodded I grabbed her hand and led her to the Smithsonian Institution and went to to  the captain America exhibit and saw me "that's me people thought I died trying to save hydra but instead I let go because I was in love with a girl and they killed her Steve doesn't know and I don't plan to tell or see him but you y/n ur different not many people offer a villain their home" she smiled and I showed her different things it was like nothing changed it she was y/n for certain everything was the same she was just born into this world no memory of her last life "let's go home I can't wait to show you what the 21st century was like" I laughed as she dragged me home and for once after centuries everything finally seemed right

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