"So I was- OH MY GOD! If that your wedding dress?" She covered her mouth and stared at me and Juan.

"It's radiant."

She ran over to me and hugged me. "Gosh, you will look sexy-" she turned her face over to Juan.

"What you looking at you man? I can call her sexy if I want. Any problem?" He shook his head and she nodded his head.

"Correct answer. Now if you give us a moment."

"Sure. Reid is even calling me. See you later, darling." He kissed my forehead and walked out.

She started to scream and I covered my ears.

"Damn. What happening Maria?" She took out a report and showed everything.

"No fucking way!" I started to jump and scream.

"You're pregnant. I'm gonna be a aunt? Oh my god. To many good news."

Maria is gonna be a mother! MARIA IS GONNA BE A MOTHER!

I'm so happy for her. She always wanted to have kids and now she's becoming one. She will become the best mom I have ever known.

And Jack would be the best father.

This is so cute.

The last thing I expected was HER to get pregnant.

The days are just getting better and better. Good news on good news.

I pulled her in for a hug. "I told Jack, and he ran to the store to already get some baby stuff he wanted from a few weeks ago." She explained me and looked down at her papers.

"I can't believe this, Valerie." She started to cry and shook her head. "Tell me this isn't a dream."

"It's not a dream. It the truth. You're gonna be a parent." She continued to cry and I made sure to make her feel better.

"It's okay to cry, but do you want this to be sad or a happy news?" She laughed and wiped away her tears. "I- I just can't believe with my own eyes that I will be a parent. And it's a huge thing to be a mom, you know."

I can't really tell how it feels to be a mother or how it can be. I never remember my mom taking care of me.

If she was here, she could have told me all the weird stuff I did and maybe tell me if it's hard to become a parent because it's a huge responsibility.

I wish I had some memories from my mom. But I can't remember anything and that is the sad part.

I don't even have 0.1% memory of her. I try to look at her pictures and bring back memories.

Never get a flashback. NEVER.

I hate myself for not bringing the memory back.

I want to know about her. About us. What she liked and what we liked to do together. Like mother and daughter.

I want every memory back.

She's a stranger for me. I don't even know anything about her expect for that she's my mother.

What kind of a daughter am I?

I wish my mom was here to see my wedding and to know that Maria is pregnant.

I know, I know she would have been happy for both of us.

Whatever, that's something I can't do anything about. I will never get to know her.

"Yeah, it's a huge moment. But you have to enjoy, don't you?" She nodded.

"Team girl or a boy?" She asked me.

"I feel like it's a boy. What about you?"

"Actually, same. I don't feel it's a girl." She said rubbing her belly. Cute.

"But I didn't come here for my report. I wanna see your wedding dress. And your wedding is next week and it's so much to do. And you deserve everything, because you have been the most supportive friend I have ever had. I don't know how to thank you."

I grabbed her hands and walked her over to the couch.

"You don't 'thank you' your friend to be supportive and caring. It's what friends do. Especially, best friends."

A smile grew on her face and she kissed my forehead. "I love you." She pulled me in for a tight hug "I love you too."

"I have called the hair dresser and the makeup artist and they have time to get you ready. I can't believe we both aren't single."

"Yeah, well I thought I would be single forever," she interrupted me.

"But you feel in love with your kidnapper? Stockholm syndrome?"

"Oh- how could I forget that. Yeah, he just didn't feel like a kidnapper or a abusive type of guy. Just hurt. Every time I saw in his eyes, I saw nothing but pain. But I never confronted because I never knew what happened."

"Yeah, sometimes it gets confusing. It's okay, it happens. They say, you meet your love of your life when you least expect it."

Well, she's not wrong.


Well, it's getting interesting. Very interesting.

Just wait until the wedding, I can't wait for them to be a officially couple.

Next chapter will be out, I can't say if it will be soon or not because I have a lot of school. But I will try my best❤️

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I love you all!

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