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"Sophia!" Spencer had jammed his foot in front of the door before she could close it. He had followed her through the halls as she weaved towards the research lab.

"Were you following me?" she exclaimed.

"I need to speak to you."

"ughhh. You know my stance." She released the door and carried on to a desk.

"Sophia. We need talk. Be logical here."

She continued to keep her back to him.

Spencer sighed. He wasn't getting anywhere. "I know that you don't want to. And I can't force you. But... we need to be able to talk about this. You know and I know, the ignoring it, isn't going to make it go away."

Sophia paused. He wasn't wrong. "Fine..." She whipped around. "Go on then."

"Not here," Spencer heard footsteps in the corridor. "My apartment at 7?"

"I am not going to your apartment." She scoffed. "We all know how that will end." She mumbled.

"Okay. Fair enough. I get that. Meet me by the fountains at 7."

"At 7," she confirmed. Sophia looked up locking eyes with Spencer. She tried in that moment to look at Spencer without imagining Maeve hanging off his arm. But she saw that familiar auburn hair resting on his shoulder. She quickly turned back around, paling at the sight of her sister. She had been seeing her more recently.

At 6:55pm, Sophia looked at her watch. She switched off the only light that illuminated the room and shrugged on her jacket.

She walked to the fountains out on the courtyard, texting Charley and Laurel that she would be home soon.

Spencer was sat on the edge of the fountain, swinging his legs slowly.

Sophia footsteps slowed involuntarily.

Spencer dipped his hand into the ripples of the fountain. "I thought you might not come."

"I said I would." She looked down at the water.

"I'm glad you did." He hopped off the wall. "Let's go."

"Where are we going?" Sophia pulled her jacket around her tighter.

"I want to show you something." Spencer walked off, hoping Sophia would follow.

Sophia scrunched up her face. She really didn't think this was a good idea, but her feet followed Spencer before she could stop them.

They walked for 20 minutes in silence until Spencer stopped at the park that overlooked the town. He sat down on the edge of the gazebo that sat towards the centre of the lake.

Sophia was unsure what to do. She stood back looking across the water, the moon and stars reflecting on the surface.

"Sit with me."

Sophia hesitated at Spencer's request.


She lowered herself on to deck, leaving an unnecessary amount of space between them.

Spencer slipped his hand into his inside jacket pocket. He pulled out a journal, exploding at the seams. "I... I... ummm... I wrote these... before... after Maeve." Spencer inhaled. "I spoke to Maeve for months."

"I know," Sophia sighed. "She told me. She really liked you. You were the only one keeping her from spiralling when she was alone in that apartment. We all tried. Me. My mom. My dad. But she kept pulling away. She was worried that she was putting a target on our backs."

Playing with my Heart | A Spencer Reid storyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz