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Spencer heart sullied when he saw her empty seat. He had rushed, in running behind schedule that morning after spending all night pouring of a case file on the behest of Hotch. He had deliberately avoided looking towards that area, he was so close to just giving in and kissing her yesterday. There was no telling what he would do when he laid eyes on her again. The way her cheeks sucked in as she concentrated.

Spencer began his lecture much like her normal would, until his eyes grazed over her empty seat. He did a double take, his words stuck in his throat. Surely she wasn't absent because of yesterday. Something had to be wrong.

At that exact moment two FBI agents entered the auditorium. "Dr Reid?" one of the called out.

Spencer nodded, but he was still fixated on the seat.

"Sorry to cut your class short, but there had been some developments and SSA Hotchner has requested your presence immediately."

Spencer just nodded again.

"Sir?" The agent is concerned by Spencer's stoic attitude. "The jet is waiting. We have police escort waiting."

"Right, yes." Spencer composed himself, picking up his bag. "Sorry class. Read up on chapter 13 and I'll send through some notes via email." Spencer couldn't look at the class as he scuttled out, but. If he had he would have seen how in awe they were of him.

Luckily for him the case in Arizona had kept him busy and he didn't have much time to think about Sophia. It was nice to have the team back together again. He would be lying if he said that he didn't miss it.

When they brought him in the case was close to conclusion. And within 24 hours of his arrival, it was solved, and he was on his way back. He didn't see any point in trying to sleep, so instead he got the agents to drop him off to his office at the university. He may as well get a head start on some work. Anything to keep his mind occupied.

As he enter his office he saw Charley posting an assignment through the box.

"Early bird gets the worm Miss Thompson," Spencer remarked as he hung up his coat.

"Huh?" Charley was confused. "Oh." The penny dropped. "Oh no. You got this all wrong Dr Reid. This is Sophia's assignment. I'm just dropping it off for her. Mine's not done yet. We have till Friday, right?"

Charley narrowed her eyes. "She's unwell at the moment." Then suddenly Charley obviously wants out of the situation. "Okay bye."

UNWELL. A crushing migraine made his eyes twitch.

That was the trail of events that led him to be stood outside Sophia's apartment. Where he was stood having second thoughts. But it was too late. The door opened.

"How long are you going to stand outside deciding if you're going to knock." Laurel taps her foot.

Spencer's eyes are wide.

"We have one of those security cameras that turn on with motion," Laurel informed him.

Okay that makes sense he thought. "Umm, is Sophia in?"

Laurel pulled open the door, ushering him in. She closed the door behind him and padded down the hallway. She rapped on the door down the hallway as Spencer shifted uncomfortably in the spot that he had stopped himself just a few feet from the front door. He scanned the apartment envisioning Sophia curled up on the couch, skidding over the hardwood floor and her swaying in the kitchen.

Down the hall Laurel turned the handle to Sophia bedroom. "Hey," she softly spoke. Spencer could see over her shoulder as Sophia winced propping herself up. "You have a visitor."

Playing with my Heart | A Spencer Reid storyWhere stories live. Discover now