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She was ignoring him.

Not that he expected anything else.

She wouldn't answer his calls or messages. Eventually he couldn't even get through. He inadvertently tried to ask Garcia.

But she was suspicious.

"What do you mean?" Garcia pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose.

"Like one day it's ringing and then next day it's not?" He found it difficult to explain.

"Sounds like your friend has been blocked?" She sniggered.


"Yeah, the other person has prevented your friend from contacting them."

"So, she doesn't even see the messages?" He pondered out loud.

"She?" Garcia was interested.

"I have to go Garcia. Thanks for your help."

"Reid wait..." But Penelope's voice faded as he shuffled out her office.

There was only one way he was going to be able to get through now. He had to physically see her. In the moment he decided to head back.

He didn't go to his apartment. What would be the point in wasting time?

He stomped up the stairs to Sophia's apartment and banged on the door. But there was no movement behind the door. He banged harder with his fist.

A sleepy Laurel opened the door just a crack. Charley stood behind her with a frying pan in her hand.

"Oh, it's you," Charley dropped the pan. "Are you crazy. Why are you banging on our door at 4 am?"

Shit. 4am. He hadn't accounted for the time at all.

"Sophia?" He scanned what he could see of the apartment. No sign of her.

Laurel sighed holding herself up with the door. "She's not here. She hadn't come back from visiting her parents yet. Surely you should know that? Is there anything else because I would really like to sleep."

Spencer had never heard Laurel respond sharply.

But he was equally persistent. "Donovan," he shouted out. "Why does she go by Quinn instead of Donovan."

Laurel barely kept her eyes open. "Why are you asking us? Shouldn't you be asking her?"

"I knew this guy was crazy." Charley curled up on the couch.

"Are you drunk?" Laurel looked Spencer up and down. He didn't look like it but the way he was talking she thought that he had to be.

"If we tell you will you go?" Charley pulled a pillow over her head.

Laurel was itching to close the door.

"Did she say anything about me?" Spencer whispered.

"What? No? Why?" Laurel yawned.

Spencer gathered that Sophia hadn't said a word about her encounter. The fact that she had kept it to herself and not told her best friends also worried him more. She was keeping it all in. "Sorry for waking you guys."

Then he waited. He waited for days. It was kind of stalkerish. He was becoming the people he hunted. He watched her apartment waiting for her return.

Then it happened. He saw her step from a car, juggling all her bags. She bumped the door shut with her hip. She waved back at the car and bounded up the stairs.

It was all fine until Spencer watched the car drive by. In the driver's seat sat a man sporting a cap. He had his hand stuck out the window waving at Sophia.

He had though that he would confront Sophia as soon as she returned. But he couldn't bring himself to do it. He sat in his car psyching himself up. Then sun set. He had been going through inner turmoil since the sun had been high in the sky.

"What would Morgan do?" Spencer reconciled. He stretched his neck then scrambled, out the car, across the street, up the stairs, straight to Sophia's apartment door. He knocked on the door. He heard the familiar shuffle of Sophia's feet approach the door, then silence. But he could see the shadow of her feet behind the crack beneath the door. "Sophia open up I know you're there," he boomed. He waited. No response. "Please." He grovelled. "Please Sophia, I just need to see you. I... I'm just as confused as you but you have to let me explain." His begging was getting him nowhere.

He heard hushed mumbling behind the door.

What he was hearing was Charley creeping up behind Sophia. "what the fuck is going on?"

Sophia shook her head, bring her finger to her lip to silence her.

"What?" Charley whispered, hovering over Sophia's shoulder.

Sophia glared at her.

"Sophia. Please. We need to talk." Spencer had his forehead pressed to the door.

"I thought you liked him," Charley was really surprised by this whole ordeal. "Did you have a fight?"

Sophia pressed her own forehead to the door, shaking her head at the same time. She wishes it was just a fight. She could probably get over that. There was no way to jump the hurdle that she actually faced.

"Sophia... I didn't know. I need you to know that. And thing was Ma.... I need you to know that I tried my best to save her... Sophia I need to see you while I say this please." He pounded his fist on the door again, with each hit losing the intensity. "Leaving from here without seeing you is not an option for me. Please. I can't not be around you." Spencer slid to the ground. "You don't understand Sophia." He felt the will leaving his body. "I can't do this again. I can't lose you too." He regretted that instantly. He heard a slam inside the apartment. He planted his face in his hands.

"If she used the surname Donovan her initials would be SAD." Laurel had made her way up the stars to the apartment finding Spencer sat on the floor outside their door. Charley had filled her in on what was happening, so she wasn't completely shocked. But seeing Spencer broken, back pressed against the door, dishevelled, but a damper on the animosity that she knew she should have against him, being that she was Sophia's friend. "Sophia April Donovan, so she uses her mom's maiden name instead." She crouched down beside Spencer. "I think you should go."

"But..." Spencer groaned.

"Sitting here isn't going to help you. You'll just annoy her. Give her some space." She stood up letting herself in. She gave Spencer one last look to say that she knew what she was doing and that her advice was the only way. Then she slammed the door shut.

Playing with my Heart | A Spencer Reid storyWhere stories live. Discover now