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"Did you hear?" Christian, a fellow student, rushed over to Sophia and Charley. They were just trying to find a seat. It was a struggle getting Charley to come to the first class of the year. Sophia had had to physically drag her from her bed after the late night she had after the Sunday roast that turned into dinner and then a drunken late-night walk where she just wallowed about Nick until the early hours of the morning.

"Hear what?" Sophia side stepped throw the row of seats in the auditorium towards her preferred seat.

Christian hopped over the table and leaned over the table towards Sophia. "The new professor..."


Christian slumped into a seat. "Oh god you don't know. You have not been blessed yet. Look around."

Sophia did as he said but was confused.

"Look how many people are here. Have you ever seen a class so full? Not everyone is as studious as you. We are all the same age and you have almost completed your PhD and are finishing your second degree."

Sophia hadn't noticed, but she did now. "Why is it so full?"

"The new professor is a dream."

"Christian, you crush on everyone." Sophia placed her iPad on the table.

"No. Soph. This guy is like HOT."

"Who's hot," Charley mumbled with a mouthful of bagel and a swig of coffee.

"Apparently the professor teaching this class." Sophia began flicking through some data files that she had been putting off looking through.

"All of a sudden this place got much more interesting," Charley chimed in.

Sophia was engrossed in her iPad when Spencer bustled in through the staff door at the bottom of the auditorium. Much of the class went silent as he set down his coffee on the table, taking care not to spill it. He needed every drop. He took time to check his watch. There was still 5 minutes before class started. He had taught before but that didn't make him any less nervous. He was known rambler and he really had to restrain himself. He sat directly on the table his legs dangling down exposing his mismatched socks. He picked up his copy of The Godfather. By the time the five minutes is up. He was a hefty way through the plot.

Spencer slid off the desk and looked out at his very full class for the first time. Those that have been watching him like a hawk, were on the edge of their seat. He stepped up to the front, scanning the fatigued faces. But settled on one. Sophia was scrapping her hair up into a scrunchie as her eyes dance over her screen. Spencer couldn't describe the thought going through his head. First surprise to see her. Then excitement that he would surely see her again. Then misery. She was a student? Those complicated things. As these thoughts raced, he was still dead centred on her and people were beginning to notice.

"Holy Shit," Charley gasped when she finally looked up from her phone to see what all the whispering was about.

"What?" Sophia whispered, glancing up at the amusement on Charley's face.

Charley grabbed Sophia's chin and turned her face to the front. Sophia's jaw dropped as she saw Spencer stood at the front of the class. "What in the actual fuck."

Spencer blushed and looked away when he saw that Sophia noticed him. He cleared his throat. "Good morning. I'm Dr Reid. I'll be delivering this class for the rest of the semester. Welcome to Criminology 101."

Sophia blinked rapidly as she patted her jacket pocket and pulled out the card. There it was in black and white.

SSA Dr Spencer Reid.

Behavioural Analyis Unit- FBI

Underneath was scrawled the words-> call me anytime.

Sophia looked from the card to Spencer to Charley and then back to the card.

"This was the mother fucker that gave you his number?" Charley was beyond amused.

"How did you know about that?" Sophia hid the card again.

"Alex was just about hyperventilating because he thought you were seeing someone because he saw this card."

"Oh." Sophia was puzzled.

This year was going to be awkward.

"He is kind of cute." Charley announced towards the end of the class. She had been analysing Spencer for the past hour and had made a few observations.

"Huh?" Sophia pencil stopped scratching on the screen.

"He keeps looking at you, you know?"

Sophia dropped her apple pencil on the table. "No he doesn't."

"I've been watching."

They proceed to have a stare down. They only stopped as they both broke into silent laughter, receiving daggers from those around them.

"Sorry," Sophia whispered over her shoulder.

Luckily for them Spencer was wrapping up the class. "There is a reading list online. First papers due next week. If you have any questions my door is open during my office hours. Or you can ask at the end of the class. Well, that's it see you tomorrow."

Within seconds a line was beginning to form at the at the front.

"Why do people have some many questions. It's the first class." Sophia hopped off her seat flicking the case of her iPad closed.

"Girl they don't have questions."

"Oh," Sophia said finally understanding.

"You know he is your type." Charley jested.

Sophia paused on the steps. "I don't even have a type," she denied. "AND... what happened to hot girl summer."

"Summers over," Charley mocked. "Cuffing season is fast approaching."

"I think you've started taking this joke too seriously," Sophia pulled off her scrunchie, releasing her hair over her shoulders.

"Sophia?" Spencer stepped up a couple of steps behind Sophia, nervously clasping his hand. Behind him the growing line were watching with intense intrigue.

"Yeah. Um...Hi," Sophia replied, looking at the craning necks and wishing the floor would swallow her up.

"You're taking this class?" He asked the lost obvious question.

"Yeah. That is why I'm here." Sophia glanced at Charley who was dying to say something.

"I didn't realise you were a student here." Spencer gulped. This was a very large obstacle.

The corners of Sophia's mouth twitched trying to supress her playful smile. "Are you trying to say I look old."

"No," Spencer gushed. "Just because of your research I just assumed..."

Sophia stopped teasing him. Feeling bad for putting him in that position. "I just started my PhD earlier than most people. And this class is for my second bachelors."

"Right," Spencer nodded. "So that would make you twenty..."

Why did he want to know her age? "Twenty-two."

"Twenty-two," he sighed.

"Sorry... did you want something?" Sophia was starting to feel suffocated by all the stares.

"Right... umm." Spencer couldn't gather his thought, let alone articulate them. He knew it was in his best interest to just keep quiet and carry on working his way down the line. But all logic was thrown to the wind. Before he knew it his feet were carrying him towards Sophia. "Your research..."

"I'll let you know," She smiled at him softly, before turning away to leave.

Playing with my Heart | A Spencer Reid storyWhere stories live. Discover now