Dancing in the Park

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Outside, Sophia wrapped her jacket around herself tighter. She leaned against a random car, parked up on the side of the road.

Alex pocketed his phone. "They aren't coming yet." Charley and Nick decided that they weren't ready to leave yet.

"Just us then," Sophia sighed, placing one foot in front of the other in a pattern as she made a way towards the train station.

It wasn't long before they passed through a park, using it as a short cut. The pair couldn't even account for what they had been talking about. But the next conversation would be a ingrained in Sophia's mind, racking away at.

"Awww that's so cute." Sophia noticed an elderly couple swaying together to the sound of a string quartet practicing in the park. Thinking back on it she wished she hadn't noticed. "That better be me when I'm older."

"What dancing in the park?" Alex rubbed the bridge of his nose. "You don't have to wait I till your older. You can do that now." He faked a ridiculous jiggle that made him look possessed.

"No," Sophia laughed thwarting him away. "I mean... loving someone more and more every day, even though you have been with them longer that not being with them. You know..."

Alex thought about it for a second. "Yeah. I guess I know what you mean." After a short pause Alex bites the bullet. "Can I ask you something Sophia?"

Sophia nods, her doe eyes making it hard for Alex to keep his composure.

"Actually, it doesn't matter." He dug his hands into his pocket, hoping they would swallow him up.

"No..." She clapped her hand. "Don't do that. Don't tease like that."

Alex gulped. "Umm... okay. Well... It's just a silly question." He frowned.

"I'm sure it's not," she reassured him.

"Ummm... How do you know that you love someone?"

"What," she choked, the dimples forming in her cheeks as she smiled.

"I mean. Like how to all these people just know." Alex helped Sophia up onto the wall. She placed one foot in front of the other as she focused on her balance and on Alex. "My brother has been with his fiancé since they were fourteen. How did they know back then? How did even visualise their whole lives together. I can't even decide what to eat for breakfast most of the time."

Sophia precariously balanced on the wall. Her uncontrollable laughter didn't help.

Alex looked at her in confusion.

"Oh, you're asking seriously." She immediately stopped laughing. "Umm... I really think that you are asking the wrong person... But if I had to guess. I think it's just a feeling. I imagine that you know when your comfortable with the person. So comfortable that nothing else matters. I guess that's how you know." She stopped at the end of the wall.

Alex looked up at her in wonder.

"What?" She shrugged, holding her arms out indicating she wanted help to get down.

Alex pulled her forward by her waist and gravity did the rest. Their bodies were pressed together. "You always know what to say," he mumbled, brushing a strand of her hair behind her ear.

Sophia stepped back, catching the bottom of her hair so that it wouldn't whip around in the wind. "We..." she teased.


"We are going to miss the train." She pushed Alex back and began running off, leaving him behind in shock.

Alex was taller than Sophia. It only took him to pick up a little speed and he had caught up with her. She squealed as he engulfed her in his arms and carried her in his arms onto the platform. He set her down. "See we made it in time."

Sophia held her sides trying to maintain her balance.

"Are you okay?" He held her shoulder to stabilise her.

"Yeah. Just a bit dizzy. Running and alcohol don't go well together."

"Here come here." Alex took Sophia by her hand and pulled her closer. He rested is forehead on Sophia's. "Close your eyes," he whispered. She did as he said. "Take a few deep breaths." He added.

There they were. The pair of them alone on the platform. The only thing that ended their moment was the gust of wind that arrived as the train pulled into the station.

"Finally," she sighed. She skipped towards the train.

She always surprised Alex. How she could flip at any moment. Maybe she didn't realise.

That was it actually. Alex wasn't far off. Sophia didn't realise the affect she had on people sometimes. She could make them love her without much effort.

"Are you coming Alex."

He hadn't realised that he had been staring. "Yeah."

Sophia leant against one wall. Alex positioned himself opposite her.

Sophia's phone began ringing. She fumbled around trying to fish it out of her bag.

She looked her phone screen in surprise.

All the while Alex was analysing her every feature.

Sophia blinked at her screen. She was surprised to see the caller ID.

Dr Spencer Reid.

The call ended just as quickly as it began.

Sophia didn't know what to do. It was 2am. She wouldn't know what to do if anyone called her at 2am. Let alone it being Spencer.

"Everything okay?" Alex had been watching the turmoil that was translating on her face.

Her eyes were glued to her screen. "Yeah, fine."

She stared typing. Then deleted. She repeated this cycle over and over again.

In the end she opted with a simple

Hey, did you mean to call me???

She was about to click the lock button when three dots appeared on the screen.

Sorry. It was my friend joking around.

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