Who is he?

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That had been their pattern for a few weeks.







Just not the actual deed.

But the relentless teasing was only growing their desires.

"Well, hello. I forgot you lived here." Charley yawned as she shuffled out her room into the kitchen.

Sophia rolled her eyes, nudging Laurel. "Laurel how many nights have I slept here in the past week."

"That would be five." Laurel confirmed.

"And how many nights has dear Charlotte spent here?"

Laurel smiled at Sophia, taking a bite of her toast. "I believe tonight is the only night. If you count stumbling in at 4 am."

Sophia appreciated Laurel playing along. "So things worked out with you and Nick then."

Charley rapidly blinked, "Why did he say something?"

Sophia had to supress her laughter. "Nope,' she said deliberately popping the P.

Charley huffed and sank down on the couch. She shielded her eyes from the light, groaning when Sophia's phone buzzed on the countertop.

Sophia dusted off her hands and answered her phone. "Hey mom."

Sophia stepped into her room.

"Hey sweetie, Dad's here too."

"Oooo you figured out speaker phone. Hi daddy."

"Sophia, you give your old man a heart attack when you don't visit."

"I'm sorry dad. I had to postpone..."

"I know I know, you're a busy lady. I saw you latest reports." Her dad proudly added.

She fell back on her bed. "You did? What do you think..."

"Inspired as always. I think maybe"

"Joe, we can talk about this when she comes back. Sophia honey will you still make it back next week?" Mary, her mother, sounded almost as if she was pleading.

It was the only time of year Sophia didn't feel like going home. But she knew her family needed her. "Of course, mom. You know that I will always be there for you, dad and May."

The anniversary of her sister death always rolled around quicker than she would like. It had been too long without her.

"We know honey, I love you."

"We both do," her dad tagged on the end, not wanting to be left out. "I have to head out. I can't wait to see you. Let me know your flight details. I will come and collect you from the airport. Speak to mom okay."

"Bye daddy."

"Don't be too late Joe." Sophia's mother called over her shoulder. "Now that he's gone..."

Sophia sat up in surprise.

"Who is he?"

"Who?" Sophia replied.

"Don't pretend with me Sophia. I'm you mom. I just know. Just like I know when Ma... when your sister was talking with that boy. It's intuition."

Sophia didn't need reminding of that. "Okay, okay mom. I get it." She paced over to the window. "It's errr... early days you know. It's just like whatever we are just getting to know each other that's all."

"And how does he fit into your future sweetheart?"

That one through Sophia for a loop. She was in the present with Spencer. She hadn't thought about after. When he went back to the BAU and she moved on. She had been intrigued by a research facility off the coast of Costa Rica. She hadn't mentioned it to Spencer yet. "Truthfully... I have no idea."

"Whoever he is. I hope he makes you happy. That's the one comfort IO have with your sister. That at least she found a small ounce of happiness with..."

"Don't say his name mom," Sophia interrupted.

"It wasn't his fault..."

"I don't want to talk about this mom."

"I know I'm sorry honey. We miss you. I just don't have a good feeling. You're far away from us. Juts like your sister was. I know the circumstances are different, but it makes me anxious none the less."

"Mom, I'm coming home soon. Don't worry." Just then Sophia watched as Spencer walked up the path holding up to coffee cups. "I talk to you soon mom."

"Talk to you soon sweetie."

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