Car hood

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"Why do you think you are drawn to me?" Spencer waited patiently but was met with silence. "Seriously?" His voice picked up in pitch. "This is the question that you are choosing not to answer."

Sophia gulped. She knew this meant a forfeit was coming.

"Okay," Spencer draw in a breath as he thought about his next move. "You have to text Charlotte right now and tell her that you are on a date with me and then let me reply whatever I want to whatever she says."

Sophia raised her eyes sceptically. "You're digging a hole for yourself." She patted around for where she had chucked her phone and began typing the message, pressing send and waiting for the whoosh sound. She handed the phone to Spencer. "You do know how to use one of these, right?" She teases.

"Yes," Spencer grimaced, snatching the cold metal from her.

Just in time as a message pinged back.

He tapped at the screen, grinning at Charley's response.


Sophia peered over Spencer's shoulder to see what he was typing.

"Don't expect anything today. I'm not coming home tonight. Don't wait for me," Sophia read out slowly as he typed away. She snatched the phone back after he was done. She looked at his, questioningly. "Well, that's a bit presumptuous, isn't it?"

"Or I'm just reading the situation really well." He nudged her shoulder cheekily.

Sophia rolled her eye. "Whatever..." she needed to make him sweat. "Name one reason that would make you leave the BAU."

Spencer stuttered. He couldn't even fathom the thought.

"So..." Sophia devilishly encouraged.

"I don't have an answer for that," he mumbled.

She knew he wouldn't. "oh really?" she played coy. "Never mind. I'll be more merciful than you. You can have a pass. I'll ask you something else instead." She pretended to think up a question, but she already knew how to put him on edge especially now she had thrown him of with the BAU question. "Do you think about me when your all alone at home, in your bed with nothing but your own company?" She brushed her hand over his thigh, seemingly by accident. "Do you wish I was there next to you, so that you could touch me and I could touch? How many times has it pained you when you realise you only tasted me in your dreams?"

Spencer caught her wrist. It was dancing dangerously close to Spencer's inner thigh. "You are playing a very dangerous game Sophia." His voice was stern.

Sophia pulled it back, but Spencer did not release. "That's not an answer."

Spencer sighed. He couldn't tell Sophia how much he had yearned. He couldn't tell her what he had dreamt about her. He couldn't tell her what he wanted to do to her. He reluctantly let go of her supple skin.

Sophia felt victorious. "Sounds like a forfeit to me."

"What will you have me do?" Spencer fell backwards, lying down facing up at the overcast night sky, the moon lighting up the outline of the clouds.

Sophia followed his lead, lying perpendicular to him, resting her head on his chest and looking up at the sky.

They lay there in a comfortable silence as the minutes rolled by.

Spencer combed his finger gently through Sophia's hair. "Can't think of anything?"

"I would never force you to do anything," she sighed as she followed the clouds as the slowly drift by.

"And yet you don't realise that I would probably do anything you asked." He continued to stroke her head.

It warmed her inside when he said that. "Well," she groaned as she sat up hugging her knees. "You might have to carry me to the car because I may have eaten too much." She breathed out a heavy breath.

Spencer chuckled. He stood to his feet and stood before Sophia with his hand outstretched.

She looked form his fingertips to his face in confusion.

"Dance with me?"

She placed her hand in his. She was about to question the lack of music when as if by magic the sound of a string quartet began tingling from the speaker that he had not noticed tucked beside the tree until know.

Spencer tugged her closer, winding one hand behind her back bringing her chest to meet his, slowly rocking back and forth to the music.

"You don't strike me as a dancer Dr Reid?"

Spencer grunted like he was in pain."

"What?" she said in alarm. "Did I step on your toe?"

"No, you don't realise what it does to me when call me Dr Reid." He pressed firmer on her back closing the non-existent gap a little more. "Besides I never met anyone I wanted to dance with until know."

"Oh is it?" Sophia giggled.

"I'm really sad this is coming to an end," Spencer soberly added.

"End?" Sophia was startled.

"Earlier I sent that message that you weren't coming home. I wasn't trying to be crude although it was implied." Just than a droplet landed on the side of Sophia's cheek, slowly trickling down to her jaw. Spencer bent down and caught the droplet with his tongue, lapping the edge of Sophia's jaw. "Have you seen the sky," he whispered into her ears.

Sophia was still distracted by the sensation of Spencer tongue on her cheek. All she could manage was a nod.

"We are about to get very wet Sophia." Spencer started deeply into her eyes.

Sophia was thinking that she was already wet.

But then it hit. The heavens opened and the showers began pouring down on them. With in seconds their hair was dripping, and water was spilling down their faces, over their lips and trickling onto their necks.

Spencer took Sophia by surprise when her swooped her off her feet, cradling her in his arms and took off towards the car.

She quickly secured herself by wrapping her arms around his neck. "What are you doing she shrieked?"

"You said I might have to carry you," he laughed back. Spencer slowed on his pursuit to the car. "I can't tell you the last time I laughed as much as I do with you?"

"You won't be laughing for long if we both fall and break our backs. Put me down," she joked.

What she hadn't realised was that Spencer's long strides had already brought the, back to the car. He placed her down on the hood of the car, pushing her legs open and standing between them. He held her waist, examining the way the oversized cardigan slipped off her shoulder, exposing her thin spaghetti straps. The rain continued to pelt down. It trickled down Sophia's exposed chest and disappeared into her top. Spencer held the damp silk material of her top taut in his hands. He lowered his body towards Sophia's. He hovered his lips hers to test her reaction. Sophia immediately lurched forward trying to make a connection. Spencer evaded her with a devilish smile. "I knew you wouldn't be able to resist." But even he didn't have that much strength. He hovered over her lips again, but unlike before he smashed his lips against Sophia's. Sophia snaked her finger through his wet locks, wrapping her legs around him and pressing her core into him. With each kiss the rainwater cascaded between their lips before being sucked up into the kiss. Spencer removed his hands from her shirt and used on to take hold of the back of Sophia's neck, while the other found it' was to Sophia's thing, curving under it and grasping tightly.

"You knew it was going to rain," She breathlessly moaned into Spencer mouth.

"I thought it might. Started sooner than I expected." Spencer pushed Sophia back, so she was lying on the hood of the car. While he did, she let out a sneeze followed by a sniffle. Then it hit him. Her he was trying to ravish her in the rain while she was only wearing a flimsy vest and cardigan that was hardly water resistant and jeans that wear sticking to her skin. "We should go. You're going to get sick." Much to Sophia's dismay. He stepped back, leaving her to clamber off the top of the car and huddle up in her wet cardigan. 

Playing with my Heart | A Spencer Reid storyWhere stories live. Discover now