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QUICK NOTE, I changed the plot a little so that the Necklace has a M instead of a V.

You'll see why soon 😉

Sophia placed her head in her hands. She was happy that she had decided to get to the auditorium fifteen minutes early. No one was there and she needed that time to prepare herself. She wasn't hungover. At least she didn't think so. But she was drained. She got home in the early hours of the morning. They didn't roll in until 5am. Even then she couldn't sleep. She ended up sitting and watching the sun rise from her window.

"Sorry, I'm late," Spencer raced into the class. Unlooping his messenger back and dropping on the table. But his haste slowed. He looked around at the empty room aside form Sophia, slouching down in her seat. "There is a class scheduled, right?" He scrutinised his watch.

"Yeah." She tapped on her phone, scrolling through her messages. "They are probably too tired from last night. 8am's can be hard when you don't sleep until after 5am."

"Oh." Spencer shrugged off his blazer, throwing it onto the desk. "Can I ask why?" He jumped down from the stage.

"Party." Need she say anymore.

"Ah," Spencer sat down on the edge of the stage. "That would explain it. On a Tuesday though?"

"The new generation is mad," she sat up, resting her elbows on the table.

"I'm guessing you didn't go. Since you're here."

She shook her head. "I wish," she groaned. "I was there. As if Charley or Laurel would let me stay home."

"But you made it?" Spencer leaned back propping up on his elbows.

"I guess I don't need much sleep to function."

Spencer nodded knowingly. He sat back up, clapping his hands together. "Well, since no one else is here, I suppose you can guide the session. I can go over anything you want." He collected his belongings from the desk too it over to the row below Sophia's. He jumped up on the table. "I am at your mercy."

"Umm..." She drummed her fingers on the table. "Honestly, I can't really think of anything."

"I'm not surprised. You are topping this class."

"You know what. I get the concepts but putting it all together to apply to a case study... yeah that might be a little rough for me."

Spencer whole body shook with laughter. "We are only part of the way through the content. You'll get there." Spencer lowered his voice and leaned in closer. "And between you me and me, by the end of the semester you''ll probably be able to teach the class."

Sophia shook her head trying to conceal her smile.

Spencer noticed the necklace twinkling against Sophia's skin. "Can I ask you something?"

"Aren't you supposed to be the professor here. What can I possibly tell you that you don't already know?" She locked her phone screen.

"You said... umm... on the phone that we are... friends..."

Sophia narrowed her eyes. She was beyond confused. "Okay."

Spencer pointed at the M resting on Sophia's chest. "Can I ask why that is so important to you?"

Sophia instinctively reached for her neck.

"You don't have to answer."

Sophia cleared her throat. "No... It's fine. I guess I kind of overreacted." She picked up the small V, twisting it in between her thumb and fore finger. "It was my... sisters." She dropped the chain and shuffled the books on her table. "You know if we spend too much time together people might start to think that the only reason, I'm doing well in this class is because you're giving me special treatment."

"Strictly professional," Spencer assured her. But he wanted to bring the conversation back. "You said was..."

"I think I should probably go." Sophia shovelled her belongings into her bad and scooted out of the row.

"Um... yeah okay. Bye." Spencer stood up, watching as she left. Maybe he had gone to far. After all he hadn't known her for long. And just because she made him feel some type of way. Did not necessarily mean she felt anything for him. And that was exactly the way it should be. She was his student after all. I didn't matter that they didn't have much of an age gap. Or that she was only taking this class because she could. Or that... no he had to stop trying to justify it.

As Sophia reached the end of the row, her pen slipped from the edge of her bag, where it had been teetering as she side-stepped. She automatically dropped down, retrieving it from ground.

It was an innocent action, completely non-consequential on Sophia's part, but Spencer was in turmoil. He had to drag his head to the side to look away. He felt guilty for the way he felt when he saw her bent over. She's my student, he reminded himself again and again. But everytime he said it. something changed.

She's my student.

She's my student.

She's my student.

SHE'S my student

She's MY student.

She's MINE.


She' a student.

Emphasis on the A.

"Don't forget the essay," he sternly reminded not looking back at her.

"I won't," she sang over her shoulder.

Playing with my Heart | A Spencer Reid storyWhere stories live. Discover now