Frowning he knocked again saying, "Y/N?" 
Hearing no response from inside, worry arose in him. He twisted the doorknob to find the door unlocked. Upon entering the room, his tensed face was put to ease as he saw you sleeping. He smiled a little and walked towards you saying, "Y/N, wake up. It's not the time to sleep." 
You hummed a little, moving uneasily as he leaned closer to you. 
"Is she sick?" He asked himself and checked his forehead before checking yours. It was warmer than usual making him frown. 

He went out of the room and asked one of the maids working there, "What's wrong with your ma'am? Is she sick?" 
"Ah, she has been sneezing and coughing consistently since morning. You were away for work early in the morning so you might've not known." She spoke as Taehyung sighed saying, "And she ate the ice cream? Ah... why did I even buy that?" 

He walked back inside, eyeing you as he spoke, "Ate ice cream after being sick all day? What a courageous woman! Now, who will nurse you all day long?" 
"When are mom and dad coming back?" He asked the maids who said, "Mrs Kim and Mr Kim left the house at 3 pm and were supposedly coming back at 8 pm. It's almost 8:30 now, they should be back soon." 
"Okay. You all can go after finishing your current work. Take your paychecks tomorrow since it's the start of July." He said as the maids nodded, bowing. 

He went to find some medicines but did not find any. He sighed and spoke, "I can't even leave her alone. Let her heal once, I'll beat her up for having more ice cream."  
He sat beside you and checked your temperature, 101°. He took the blanket and covered you with it, turning off the drama. He caressed your head, looking at you who were sleeping. A while passed by as he heard the doorbell. 
He got up and took his wallet, walking towards the front door to see his mom and dad.
"Guys, please stay home and watch over Y/N. I'll be back." 

He walked out leaving the elders confused.
"What just happened..?" Mrs Kim asked as Mr Kim shook his head, confused. 

---Time skip 

Taehyung rushed inside the house with medicines and got some water from the kitchen, running inside your room. He sighed seeing Mrs Kim sitting beside you as you were sleeping. 
"Was she sleeping all this time?" He asked as Mrs Kim nodded saying, "She has a cold... and slight fever. Maybe it's because she got wet yesterday. I shouldn't have left, poor baby.." 

She patted your head slightly and got up saying, "Take good care of her, I'll cook some dinner. You sent away the cook anyway." 
Taehyung nodded and sat down, taking out the medicines. 
"Y/N, get up." He said, shaking you a little as you frowned a little in your sleep. He made you get up a little and gave you the medicines which you put in your mouth and were about to lie down but he spoke, "No! Swallow it with water! You'll choke and die!" 
You groaned and swallowed them with some water that he fed you. He helped you lay down and covered you properly as you fell asleep again. 

"Eat more ice cream. You should've eaten 2 more boxes, why did you eat so less?!" He asked, scoffing. You moved a little in your sleep as he sighed, fixing the blanket, making sure you don't feel cold. 
"What a dumbhead I've married... how can someone be so dumb to eat ice cream even after having a cold?!" He asked shutting his eyes in frustration. 
"Once an allergy, then a cold... how many times should I take care of your dumb head?" He asked in a low voice, chuckling. You shook your head in your sleep as he smiled. An urge to kiss your forehead arose in him as he shook his head, gulping. 

He waited for a while until he saw you moving your head. You slowly opened your eyes to see Taehyung staring at you, tensed. 
"I.. *cough* what are you doing here? *cough* Ouch.." You coughed and spoke in a sore voice, feeling your head hurt a little. He just sighed sitting there and spoke, "101° fever, cough, sneezing, sore throat, headache. You should eat some more ice cream, should I bring some more for you? Chocolate flavour sounds good?" 
You pouted a little, feeling sad about his scolding. You would always get sad by the littlest things when you were sick and his sarcasm wasn't helping at all.
"S-sorry.. *cough*" 

Taehyung sighed and asked, "Are you sad now? Why did you even- Ah.. fine, I won't nag you. You should know how to take care of yourself better." 
"You were the one who got b-bash- *cough* bashed.. for having ice cubes and water when you had flu." You said as he stared at you for a while before sighing.
"I shouldn't let my mom talk to you. She always tells you the worst stuff." He said and sighed. You smiled a little but looked down sighing. 
"What do I do now..? *cough*," You asked as he patted your head saying, "Don't worry. I'll take care of you. Just be obedient, okay?" 

You nodded as he smiled. 
"Do you want porridge because that's the only thing I'll let you eat right now?" He said as you shook your head saying, "I... *cough* want chocolates." 
"After your fever gets down." He said as you sighed.
"Why do you think I'm talk- *cough* talking if I wasn't okay?" You asked. He nodded and said, "Stop talking then. You're coughing too much. I've called the doctor, he said he can't come even though I offered him an additional payment. He'll come tomorrow so you have to bear with this for now." He said as you nodded, looking down. 

"Are you sad?" He asked as you nodded, looking at him. 
"Should I accompany you tonight?" He asked as you looked at him a little surprised, not knowing what to say. He'd be accompanying you tonight?

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