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Summer's pov

Graduation is coming up soon and Xavier will not stop freaking out. Not because of that, but because he's supposed to get his email from the NBA about whether he's being drafted or not. It should come today. Zander got his yesterday, so it's making him extra nervous that he won't get his. He's been walking around his house over and over waiting for the email. 

"Xavier, son please sit down." His father said as entered the kitchen. Xavier took a deep breath and continued pacing in front of his computer. 

"Reload it." Xavier told me. I reloaded his email when nothing new came up. He sighed and walked out. I'm so worried for him. This email will make or break him cause there's nothing else after this. 

I want to do something to help and cheer him up. I went to his room where he walked off too. "Can I borrow your keys, please?" I asked. Without looking up from his bed he pointed to his desk where his keys were. 

"I'll be right back. Don't look at your email till I get back." I said kissing his cheek. I already know that Xavier will make it. I have no doubt in my mind. I wanted to make him a "congrats" basket. It would be a little awkward if he doesn't make it. Though I don't think that would be a problem. 


Xavier's pov

I feel like I'm losing my mind. Everyone has gotten their email except me. Is this a sign that I didn't make it? I can't not have made it. I've put my all into basketball ever since I was 5. From park and church leagues to middle schools to high school, and now college. Year after year and all I've wanted was to play pro ball in Cali with my friends. 

The thought of all those dreams going away tear me up. I don't know what I'd do with my life without basketball. It's all I've ever known. My mother always told me to find a backup plan, but I'd always wave her off. I didn't think I needed a backup plan. I put so much into basketball, I didn't think that there would be any doubt about it. 

Maybe I should've majored in something that would've given me a backup plan. I can't believe I was so stupid. Where the hell is Summer? I need my calming pill. I called her a thousand times and she didn't even pick up. What could she be doing that she can't pick up the damn phone?
I was about to grab my computer when the front door opened.

"Didn't I say not to check it?" Summer asked. She came over to the counter and shut the computer.

"Where were you?" I asked. She opened her mouth to answer, but I shushed her. "I don't care, just hug me please." I said.  Summer hugged my waist and I squeezed her as tight as I could. I don't know what's wrong with me. 

"Xavier, baby I can't breath." Summer strained out. I let her go and she took a bunch of deep breaths. 

"I'm sorry. I can't relax." I said. I feel so hopeless. I need this email. It's the only thing that will calm me down. 

"How about we check one last time?" Summer said. I nodded and sat down on the stool. Summer sat in my lap as she logged into my computer. She pulled up my email and we allowed it to load through. She turned around and smiled at me. I was confused. Summer pointed to the computer and I felt the biggest weight lift from my shoulders.

"You're joking." I said.

She clicked on the email and read it aloud. "After we've followed your games throughout your high school years and college years. Your stats improved miraculously over all the years. We are extremely honored to say that you will be a part of our 2019 NBA draft." 

I was in shock. Summer threw her arms around my neck and hugged me tightly. "I'm so happy for you. This is incredible. Look at me, my boyfriend is the next Chris Paul. The next Steph Curry. The next Kyrie." she said. I laughed and stood off the stool. 

Summer's pov

Xavier's mood has changed since the email. He's been on the phone with almost everyone he knows for the past hour. They're having a party tonight at Uncle Khalid's club and I can't come again. He wants to drink without worrying that I'll get hurt. So all the girlfriends of the basketball team are going to Alisha's house for a sleepover. Sadly we can't go due to their drinking plans. I understand it, of course. They all deserve it. 

"You better not be late. I want you 10 minutes early." Alisha scold. Whenever we plan for something Alisha hates being by herself. I don't know why it's me who has to go, but I don't mind. I was already done getting dressed so I was on my way to the car. "I'm going to be there earlier than you want. I'm already in the car." I said.

"Good." she said before hanging up. I rolled my eyes and laughed. I got into my car and made my way to her house. Of course, we all know that drinking isn't what we should be doing tonight. Though I think we deserve it. I got to her house and opened the door. "Maybe we should lock the door." I said. Alisha was busy pushing her table into the room. 

"You think I care about that." she asked. I went into the kitchen and grabbed the beer off the counter. I filled up all the red solo cups and threw away the bottles. We set up all the games and then just waited. 

"This is boring." she said as the doorbell rang. So dramatic. I got up to answer and it was everyone. "We decided to carpool." Samantha said. Melody pushed pass everyone and looked around the room. 

"Are we getting drunk?!" she asked, excitedly. I smiled and shrugged my shoulders. Alisha came up behind me and basically shoved me out of the way. "Who wants to play beer pong? Boys won't be back for a while and I think we deserve this. The ass burn will be worth it." she said. I don't think we'll be punished because they'll be drunk. So at the same time, they can't judge us for wanting to have a little fun.

"Fine, but teams. I'll take Liz and Virgin Mary, right there." Melody said, pointing at me. I forgot. I never told anyone about my night with Xavier. 

"Well, Virgin Mary isn't so much of a virgin." I said. I looked down at the ground to avoid their stares. I knew they were staring. 

"What the fuck?" Alisha laughed. 

"Okay, after we're drunk we need to hear all about that." Liz said waving her finger up and down at me. I shoved her to the other side of the table. We split up into our teams and started playing.

*time skip*

"Alright, let's play never have I ever, but we're already drunk." I slurred. We all gathered on the floor in front of Alisha's couch. We got the tequila and placed it in the middle. Everyone grabbed a shot glass. 

"Never have I ever did the dirty in public." Melody. I looked around the room and Samantha drank. Whoa. I barely have any courage any and not enough to have sex outside of my house. That's for sure. "So I was in like 10th grade and my boyfriend had come back from being like a foreign exchange student. He surprised me at this pool party and we ended up fucking in the pool. While a kid was in it." she said. My jaw was on the floor as was everyone else. 

"There's no way no one didn't see." Liz said. That's crazy. I don't I've ever heard anything like that. "Oh the kid saw, but we paid him like $400. We weren't like full on naked or anything just like. He pulled my panti-" she said before Alisha covered her mouth. 

"No more." she said. "Let's move on." 

"Okay well. Never have I ever did something naughty in my parents' house." Liz said. Maria drank and so did Alisha and Melody. I slowly inched to my shot glass and took a drink. "While they were there?" Liz asked. I was the only one who drank to that. 

"Damn, Virgin Mary. Didn't think you had the guts?" Melody said. Almost didn't, but Xavier is very convincing. We kept on with the game before people started taking turns barfing. For people who never get to drink we definitely went overboard.

"Never again." I groaned. I knew that was a lie, but it was the truth for now and in the near future. It wasn't too long till we all passed out downstairs.


I'll be honest. I almost abandoned this book, but I couldn't do that to all of you. Only one more chapter which is the graduation. I don't plan for this book have a sequel at all. Though never say never.

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