Where We Met-21

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After the meeting with Puffy, they had handed out a good majority of the treasure themselves. They decided to keep the rest with Puffy, and let her pass out what she saw fit. After that, they wished her a good day, and headed off with only one day left to fix this curse. 

"Wow, I don't think I have ever seen people so happy to see pirates." Wilbur said. 

"Yeah, that was weird. But it was sweet, so it's fine." Ranboo agreed. 

"Anyway, where exactly did the two of them meet?" Techno asked. 

"Um, I think it was when George was trying to steal the ship right? On our main island?" Phil suggested. 

"Dang, we haven't been there in almost half a year. Everything must be a mess." Karl mentioned. 

"True, but once we're there, and this stupid curse is broken, then we can stay off the seas for a little, and clean it up!" 

"I honestly just want a bed that isn't on water for a little." Sapnap shrugged walking by to get to the terrace where Dream was. 

"So, where are we headed?" The blonde asked. 

"To their main Island. It's where you guys met, remember?" Nick supposed that the curse also made you forget details about your relationship with the person, as to not let love over power the trance of hatred. 

"I...guess? I don't remember, and I don't care. If fixing this stupid curse is what makes you happy, then I'll do it. But I'm still not associating with, him." Dream sassed as he glared towards George. Who returned the favor. 

Sapnap knew it was just the trance talking, but he was genuinely worried he would mess something up and they'd be stuck like this forever. "Right..." He smiled nervously. 

"All hands on deck! Man your stations! We're sailing to Pogchamp Island!" Dream shouted, gaining a loud roar from the rest of the crew agreeing, and then rushing to tie down sails, pull up anchors, and any other procedure they needed to go through before leaving. 


The crew sailed through the night, and into the last day of the curse. As the sun rose, it began to illuminate the crews eye bags from their non-stop run of this stupid curse. Dream, and George were the only ones who seemed to be somewhat awake considering they got a little nap in here and there. 

The two of them were leaning over the rail on the front of the ship allowing everyone else space away from their situation. They hated each other, but loved their friends so they both agreed it'd be best if they weren't walking reminders of why no one had slept a full eight hours in almost a week. 

The Sun was rising in this perfect Golden-hour way, and it seemed to illuminate George's eyes beautifully. They reminded Dream of a description he once heard Wilbur say: 

"She was a kind girl; it was almost as if her eyes were blessed with brown so they may be traced with Aztec Gold sprinkled on by The Gods themselves. The Sun seemed lonely in the day without The Moon, so The Gods gave her the eyes of a lover allowing The Sun to kiss her eyes, and see beauty, and only beauty in this world." 

No one could ever tell if Wilbur had memorized it from a book, or he genuinely loved that girl so much so he wrote poetry. You knew Wilbur loved you if he wrote poetry designed for you. 

"Hey, George?" There was silence. Then the brunette furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Dream hadn't said anything, but hello.

George looked over to the taller man. "Yes?" Now Dream was confused. 

George understood him, and knew he was saying hello, not insulting him. 

"Do you remember anything about this supposed relationship we were in?" He said cautiously. Longer sentences seemed to cause more confusion. 

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