A Months Life Time- 16

17 1 0

"They have been acting weird... huh," 


"Alright ladies, we're here." Techno placed his hands on his hips as if he were a dad. 

"Isn't this where we were for our last camp site?" Wilbur quizzed.

"Yeah...I thought we were going a quicker way to the ship." George joined in.

"Guys, we have to go this way despite where were going in the end. It's kind of the only path." 

"Phil's right, the only other path is that cliff over there." Techno pointed just a little bit away, and that's when everyone realized the two were right. Unless they wanted to go skydiving but only once, they should probably stay on the path they were already on. 

"Fine, but we need tents. Five again, two people per tent." Dream stated. He seemed angry, upset even that him and George weren't comfortably together, or that he had to talk. 

As the sun began to set, they finished the last tent and their fire. Now all that was left was...

"So who's pairing with who?" Karl asked. 

"Why not just who we've been with?" Tubbo- was clearly not picking up on it...

"Um, Tubbo why don't you come with me real quick?" Tommy said, pulling his arm lightly and guiding him a bit away from the group.

Silence filled the air of voices. The only thing were the light wind of leaves, and crickets. Ironically. 

"Uh- I'll just share with George, if that's alright with you?" Wilbur turned to face the other man. 

"I uh, yeah sure. That sounds good-" George agreed. Dream scowled at the two. Silently, barely noticeable- but the brunette noticed. 

"And for everyone else?" 

They ended up creating five groups, two people each. That contained of:

George and Wilbur

Sapnap and Karl

Tubbo and Ranboo

Tommy and Phil

Dream and Techno

They mainly went of who wanted to be with who, and who didn't want to be with someone else...(*cough cough* ehem Dream and George)

Soon, they got in their tents and fell asleep.


The next morning was probably one of the worst ones yet. Awkward, arguments, complaining, etc.

"Okay, is everyone ready to go?" Phil asked, and received many nods. 

Due to the fact that they were taking a different path, one that could only be taken from the temple down, they were to arrive quicker than before. It all went smoothly, until they got to the boat...

"Okay- wait. Before we board and have to deal with this forever... can we please talk about it-" Tommy stammered.

"Talk about what.." George asked hesitantly. 

"You two."

"What! What on earth could there be that we need to talk about!" Dream snapped. He had been silent up until this point, allowing Tubbo, Ranboo, and a few other to slip away onto the ship.

"That's what I mean. You guys- I don't even know what happened okay. If you argued, or whatever- It doesn't matter. Just. fix. it." Tommy shooed the rest of the crew back into the ship so the two could talk.

They didn't. Not for the first while anyway.

Dream sighed, "George- what are we doing," he laughed. Not comically, but with tears threatening to drip from his eyelashes. 

"What happened, we spent one night sleeping in that fucking temple and- and now we hate each other." George turned around with his arms still crossed.

"Dream, are you serious. Why, on Gods' green earth- would you say that. I told you to never bring it up- ever! Not under any circumstance! And yet you still did!" Dream stepped back looking offended. 

"Seriously!? I told you my biggest fear and now you're threatening me with it? What kind of boyf-" The blonde cut himself off. "What kind of person does that.." Now tears were falling. 

George was confused. He had just been exposed by his lover, but he was crying? 

"Why- why are you playing 'victim' right now, I'm the one who should be crying!" 

Back on the ship, Sapnap stood watching his friends-just in ear shot- argue over nonsense. He didn't understand, it was like they were having two different arguments. But they weren't, they were in the same place, and it was just the two of them. Then, it clicked. 

Rushing down the ship, he ran over to his friends and stood in the middle of them. 

"Guys! Stop, just come onto the ship. I know how to fix whatever this is." The two looked at him confused but still followed him.


"So you broke up their conversation why?" Techno asked. They were standing in the lower deck over a wooden table. Techno with his arms crossed, Sapnap practically holding his two friends by the ear. 

"I know how to save their marriage!"



Words: 993 

Yo, we do be back and we do be vibin. 

Sorry this took FOREVER. I kinda sorta wrote out what i wanted to do, but very minimalist- and i didnt feel like writing it all out into a story, but then i finally did. That's when i realized my little paragraph was actually going to be over the span over the next couple chapters, and you know what?

It's fine with me! More content for ya'll, and I get to continue this book XD

Speaking of which, I am still working on some new ones for you guys- and i already have another one in the idea box that you're all going to love, i know it. It's so cute and has so many wholesome moments. I think, i havent really started it yet hence why its in the idea box but whatever XD 

Needless to say, after these two books finish you won't be deprived of dsmp conent. they kinda float away from dream and george and more towards wilbur and more less shown characters, but you'll see when i publish them :)







thank you :)

I loves youuu <3

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