Discovery Island-23

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"What do you mean,"



"I-uh, um it's nothing." Dream stuttered. 

"Clay. If you do not tell me right now I am throwing you overboard." 

The blonde's eyes opened wide, and he moved to the side of the ship with Will. They both sat down on the railing. 

"I-it happened this morning. Me, and George were fine and we started making small talk, and then I mentioned this...dream, I had a while ago." He shut his eyes trying to remember. "We were on an island, and there was something with the two of us, and we were carrying a deer or something. I think it was our dinner."

Wilbur glanced at the waves, and squinted. 

"We cooked it over a big fire, and then Tommy and Tubbo went to get some drinks from the ship. We were all joking about something with Tubbo breaking a bottle on a different occasion, I don't know what though. Anyway, we had some drinks and went to bed."

"Ok..." Wilbur seemed to be catching on. 

"Once we were asleep, a ship came and docked next to us which later turns out to be Techno's, and Phil's, and everyone else's. Then they got off, and started going through our pockets, and the ship, too. George was going through my pockets, which I didn't know at the time but when we were talking this morning, he said he also had the same dream which is why I know it was him who went through mine." 

"And then we woke up, and discovered everything was gone we went on a trip to this island to get our stuff back where George tried to steal the ship!" Wilbur finished for him. "Clay, that wasn't a dream, that actually happened, which means you and George didn't meet here!"

"We- we met at that island! When he was going through my pockets! Well that would explain why the kiss didn't work, no one except George knew where we truly met!" 

Wilbur gasped. "This is amazing!" 


"Shut up you're still in a curse." 


"Listen, I'm gonna go get the others, you start getting the ship ready." Wilbur started to run off. 

"Wait! But what island is it?" 

"You don't remember?"


Wilbur thought for a moment. " Okay, you go get everyone, I'll get the ship ready." He started to run up to the wheel. "Just tell them it's an emergency and we'll explain later!"

Dream smiled and nodded back as he began to run down the ship to gather everyone. They were all confused of course, but he told them what Wilbur told him to. 

"I'll explain later! Get on the ship!" 

And so they did. They all ran to their stations to help out Wilbur, which definitely sped the process up. At this point, it was almost six in the evening, and they only had about two hours until the sun set. They needed to sail to the island (which only Techno seemed to remember the directions of) faster than any place they've gone this week. 

They had no time to spare. 


"Ok, what is going on?" Sapnap came out of the cabin. 

"Well hello there sleepy head."

"I wasn't sleeping, Phil. I was way too depressed about being the reason my friends will never be back in love, to sleep. I honestly thought we were going to just stay at the island for a while because we've accepted failure-"

"No that's just the thing!" Ranboo and Wilbur came running down the stairs to Sapnap. "We know how to break the curse!" 

"But how, shouldn't we be back at where they met-"

"No! I mean yes! That's where we're going!"

"Didn't they meet on the island?"

"No, not this island. It's a different island. Remember the night we got robbed a while back? And then we came to PogChamp to find the people responsible? Well, everyone in Phil's crew over there had a different person to pickpocket, and George had Dream!" 

"Wait, so that means..."

"They didn't meet on PogChamp!" Ranboo was shaking with excitement. 

"We still have time to break their curse!" Wilbur raced back to the wheel on top. 

"Well then let's do this thing!" Sapnap followed Will up to the wheel, excited that his stupidly in love gay friends still had a chance to be stupidly in love and gay. 


Words: 937

Hi! I'm back from vacation, and I'm back to uploading. But, not for long unfortunately because the book really only has a few chapters left before the end. I'm sorryyyy 😭 I'm so sad, I enjoyed writing this book so much, and it's really allowed me to stay in a creative mindset through the dullness that is my life :D

Idk how I manage to mention my depression (which is getting better btw) in every one of these little notes. Which also btw, if you read every one of these despite how boring and long they can be, wow you're really dedicated, props to you! <3 Thankyou! :)

Anyway, I would say we only got about one chapter left with a possible bonus chapter 👀 we'll see :)

But yes, here's this weeks chapter, get ready for the next chapter next week because once this book is over I will go back to working on my other book Sleepy Call which I have not touched since February :| Not excited to try and get this plot out of my head and SP in XD

I love you, thank you so much for all the support so far and I can't wait to see where this all lands us! <3 

Pssst, remember to hydrate, eat food, and take care of yourself! :) 


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