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Birds chirping, the sun arising ever so slowly, the air fresh with morning glory, and the waves lightly crashing on shore. 

"Good morning sleepy head!" Sapnap said sitting up on the log from the previous night. 

"Mhm-" Dream groaned, a slight headache from the amount of rum he consumed. 

"Anyway, um..." Sapnap began. 


"We have a teensy little problem." 


"Yeah... um- we uh, we got robbed." Dreams eyes grew wide. 

"What!?" Dream woke everyone up as he yelped. "What do you mean we've been robbed!?"

"Wait we've been robbed?" Wilbur asked, his voice growing slightly more pitched at the end. 

"Robbed?" Tommy and Tubbo following. 

"Listen, I don't know what happened, but I woke up and was gonna go on the ship when I saw it was almost empty. And so are my pockets." 

Everyone immediately felt there pockets, frantically searching for anything in them, then bolting to the ship only to see what Sapnap had described.   

"Okay, okay- ugh" Dream groaned. 

"What are we gonna do?" Tubbo asked.

"Wait-even more importantly, who did it?" Tommy stated. 

Everyone started at each other in silence for a moment.  

"Techno..." they all muttered. 

"Alright, everyone! On the ship... were getting our shit back." The group bolted for the boat and headed for their main land dock where they tend to be when they're not on the seas. 

"Drop the sails, Hoist the anchor, Ready the canons!" The Captain yelled. 


"Oh, oh! I see it!" Tubbo shouted. 

"Man your stations!" Wilbur shouted from the top deck.  

Sapnap and Will stood by the canons ready for there shots.

Dream distributed some other weapons as Tommy and Tubbo held onto rope on the side of the ship ready to jump on shore. 

"I see them," Dream stated looking through his spyglass. 

"Ready... Fire!" 

Sapnap and Wilbur launched their canons at the others ship, somewhat destroying their getaway ride. 

Once they were close enough to shore, Tommy and Tubbo swung onto the land with sword in hand, soon joined by Wilbur. 

Tommy against Ranboo,

Tubbo against Karl,

Wilbur against Phil,

Soon Tubbo fell, and Dream instructed Sapnap to go help them while he fired a few more at there ship. 

Once Tommy got Ranboo down, and Sapnap and Tubbo got Karl down, they tied them up.

They then were joined with Dream and were ready to take on the last two. 

Techno came down from their ship and joined Phil by his side while Wilbur replaced Tommy and Tubbo as they guarded the other two from joining them. 

Swords clashed. 

They fought for what seemed like ever, until Dream spotted something. He saw a small brunette sneaking by the fight, attempting to board there ship. 

"Yo, Will, cover me!" He discreetly mentioned as he ran towards their ship. 

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