The Treasure Trip-8

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"Ah! There you four are!" Phil jumped at there arrival. 

"Yeah! What took you so long?" Tommy confronted them.

"If you don't step outta my face in the next five seconds- you're a child." Nick snapped. 

"Okay okay, let's all get out of each other's faces, and go find some treasure!" Phil said.

"Alright, so it looks like... hm, it looks like its that way." Techno looked up from his map and pointed into the island. 

"Well let's go then!" Ranboo started walking, leading the others into movement with him.



Still walking. 

Even more walking. 

It's all the group did for at least an hour. 

Occasional conversations would arise, but quickly fall down to silence once again. 

"Hey, Techno?" 

"Yeah, Tubbo?" He matched in the same questioning tone. Techno's voice was too monotone to hit the high note, but he tried. 

"Are we almost there?" Techno shook his head. 

"We've got- like another couple hours ahead of us before we even come close to the first bit of the uh, treasure." Tubbo groaned at the pink-haired man's answer, but shrugged it off as they kept walking. 

"Hey guys?" George stopped everyone.


"Um, don't you think we should set up a camp or something?" 

"Why would we do that." Tommy scrunched his nose. 

"Because the sun's setting, and we're nowhere near shelter or  the treasure." Tommy nodded in a wondering way, agreeing with George.

"That's a good point." Phil mentioned. 

"How about... we split into groups? We'd get a lot done faster." Ranboo suggested. 

"I call Ranboo!" Tubbo spatted. 

"I call Tubbo!" Tommy ran. 

"Wh- Wait are you just here for Tubbo or are you joining our group?" Ranboo looked at Tommy from above with a tilted head. 

"I mean- It's Tubbo-Of course I'm only here for-" The smaller boy of the group elbowed the dirty blonde before he could finish.

"And you too, I guess." Tommy accepted his defeat and the three of them met in the middle. 

"Okay then... I'll go with Techno and Will, you love birds can figure it out I'm sure." Phil chuckled before walking off. 

Once everyone set off to collect fire wood, shelter materials, and other survival needs, everything went smoothly. Well, as smooth as smooth gets in their chaotic group. 


"Hey uh- Karl?"

"Yeah Sap?" He said brushing some leaves away as he ventured forward, a shy Sapnap following behind. 

"Can- can we talk?" Karl stopped. He turned around to face the raven-haired man. 

"About?" He said with a soft, concerned smile. 

"Um, well- us." Sapnap guided Karl over to a near by log and they both sat down. 

"It's just- I don't know what to do- what we are. I mean, like- I like you! But I don't know if were just like close friends, if were meant to be something more. Hell, I don't even know if I'm into this...guy...thing. I've only ever been with girls before Dream got his ship and I became part of the crew." Sapnap finished his ramble, placing his foot on his knee and his elbow on top. He lay his head in his hand looking down at the forest floor.

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