The Temple's Arrival -11

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Early the next morning, George was awoken by the chirping birds, the golden sun, and the light breeze flowing in the trees overhead. It was peaceful, and quiet. He debated on waking up Dream, and rolled over. 

"Good Morning," George greeted. 

"Good morning," The Brit was surprised to see the other awake already with a soft smile on his golden face. They were in a comfy, snuggling position on their makeshift bed, which contained  big leaves and vines, and extra fabrics they didn't need to wear. 

"You want to wake the others up?" George asked. 

"Yeah sure, why not." Dream got up and started waking their friends, while George started packing up.

Once everyone was up, they ate breakfast and started cleaning up. They deconstructed their fire, packed their bags with extra food and water, debated on taking the makeshift beds with them or not, and had a small argument over who had the map.

"Okay, were ready to go. Right?" Everyone nodded.

"'Alright, head count. Dream, George, Sapnap, Karl, Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Techno, Wilbur, and me,"

"I'm bored Philza, are we leaving soon?" Tommy whined. 

"Yes, let's go." The man said with a hint of annoyance. 


After a about an hour or two, they arrived to a worn out temple. It was made of what looked like sand, and had overgrown plants surrounding it. Traced with carved patterns, the temple was decorated with what seemed to be ancient tribal designs. 

"Alright, we're here. What do we do now?" Tommy asked, surprisingly calm.

"Um, go in?" Tubbo responded before walking forward.

"Wait!" Techno ran after him. 


"Did you not even consider there could be a trap? Or traps, plural." Ranboo had joined there sides. 

"Oh, yeah I forgot about that," He said sheepishly, with a small laugh, causing everybody else to smile. 

"Don't we need torches or something? Seems dark in there."

"Yeah, your right, Will," Techno turned the three children around to dig through their backpacks. 

"Here," He tossed everyone a decent sized stick, and wraps. The pig man then lit his torch with a match, and then allowed the fire to jump from one torch to the next, leaving a new flame in it's place. 

"So, were not splitting up right? 'Cause if we are, I'm out." Karl put his hands up, as if he were to surrender. 

"No, were not splitting up- that'd just be stupid." Techno laughed.

"So, now what?" They were in the temple. The dark, empty temple.

"We go further in." Techno walked forward, the crowd following behind.


"What now, Tubbo!" 

"Tommy, don't- move,"

"Why-" He heard a click from below. 

"Uh oh-" 

"Run!" The walls had a certain design in them, similar to rectangles. They were indented into the wall, but now they were being lowered to reveal some sort of contraption inside each compartment. 

"Arrows!? Why Arrows!?" Ranboo exclaimed.

"And there on fire! Of course, why wouldn't they be on fire!" 

~Pirates~ (dnf stories)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें