A Temple Trip-9

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The next morning, Dream was the first to awake. He sat up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as he looked at the sleeping George. Not wanting to wake him up quite yet, he carefully crawled out of the tent and decided to go see if anyone else was up. 

After his discovery, he decided to go back and get George, and maybe go on a walk with him.

"George~" He said quietly, shaking the boy lightly. 

"Mhm.." The tired brunette groaned. 

"Would you like to go on a walk with me? I saw this thing I want to show you on the way up here. I think you'll like it." George slowly opened his eyes and turned to look at the blonde. 

"Come on," He grabbed his hand and dragged him out of their shared tent. 

"What'd you want to show me? Where are we going? What time is it anyway?" Dream just giggled and continued to carry George up on top of a nearby hill-cliff.


Once they got near the top, Dream told George to cover his eyes and told him not to peak. 

"This is what I wanted to show you. Open your eyes!" George opened his eyes to a beautiful view. 

The sun shone over the purple mountains, a tree entered his peripheral vision. Birds chirped and flew by, the air smelled of fresh morning dew scattered on the grass. A worn out bench lay just before the cliff. 

"Oh my god," George muttered, walking forward out of Dream's grasp. 

"This is- wow." He turned back to the bench, and then over to the blonde. He rushed over grabbing his wrist, and pulling him to the wooden structure- but before George could sit down, Dream grabbed him by the waist, pulling him in. They were inches away, the only thing not connected were their lips. 


"Yes, George?" He said with a soft, smug-like smile. 

"I love you." George leaned in, and connected the two by their kiss. 

"I love you, too, George." The blonde replied after pulling away. 


After returning to the camp, everyone was up and bustling. Collecting tents and putting out their campfires. It's not like they were going to stay there another night. 

"Where have you two been?" Wilbur asked noticing them strolling hand in hand into the camp. 

"We went for a walk- how long have we been gone?" Dream asked. 

"Like- four hours?" Wilbur answered. 

Four hours!? 

"There's no way we were gone for that long." George scoffed in disbelief. 

"No, they weren't gone for four hours, Will." Phil rolled his eyes. "Anyway. We left you guys a plate." He said pointing to a meal they made earlier. 

"Thanks." The two said sitting down, and quickly eating. 

"So, what'd you really do up there-" 

"Tommy! We didn't do anything!" George scoffed with a slight laugh.

"Mhm~ sure you didn't. Y'know, you guys should just start dating already. I mean, it's been like-what, four- five months? Maybe even six." (Time works weirdly here apparently) 

"M'kay child- we'll decide when we want to, alright?" Dream said finishing his plate and handing it to the other conversationalist.

"Okay okay- just go pack up, were leaving soon."

~Pirates~ (dnf stories)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon