Legends Temple- 18

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"So, we have to...wait what?" Sapnap tried. 

"You have to use the treasure for a good cause. Since you've already found it, that shouldn't be too hard." Agura said. 

"What do you mean by good cause, like donating it?" 

"Could be, but I suggest giving it to the people in need on your mainland." 

"Oh...I suppose we could do that." Sapnap wasn't too happy about going back to the place he so desperately tried to leave behind, but if it were for his friends...

"Alright, well, you all have good luck with your adventure. And do remember, you only have a certain amount of time." 

"Wait, we have a time limit?" Wilbur questioned. 

"Yes. How long have they known each other?" He motioned to the other two.

Sapnap and Wilbur looked at each other. "Like, 5 months, we'd say." 

"Alright, well that converts to days. You only have till 5 days time to give every last coin of that treasure away. On the last day, when the sun is setting, the two must go to where they met and give a reassuring love gesture to the other." 

"Oh, that doesn't seem that hard." Sapnap said, very unsure of himself but not showing it. 

The lot all stood up from the living room and exited through the front door. They thanked the Story teller and his apprentice for the cookies and tales, but they really were running low on time. They had already spent a day getting up there, so they had to book it down the hill. 

The two lovers weren't too excited about a rush to undo their hate. They used to be blinded by love, and now they were blinded by hate. 


Finally they got to the ship, out of breath and desperate to get the others onboard. 

"Techno, start sailing to the mainland! We'll explain on the way there!" Techno trusted Wilbur and started doing so. 

They explained what Agura had told them, and their time limit which is why they must hurry. They explained how they only had five days, how they needed to give away the treasure, and how on the fifth day they'd officially break  the curse. 

"Wait, we went through all that treasure to just have to get rid of it, and we don't even get anything in return? Like, oh I don't know, treasure!" Tommy whined. 

"Tommy, this trip is about being selfless. This is for the greater good of our friends, and our crew. If we don't do this, we won't be one big crew anymore. Their hate for each other will split us in two!" Will explained. 

"Huh, I guess." Tommy huffed. 


They arrived at the main land right as the sun was setting. 

Two days gone already. 

"Come on! We don't have that long!" Sapnap rushed. 

"Wait, wait, wait. Who isn't already inside eating dinner or going to bed. No one's going to be out right now." Techno referred to when they were all younger and lived here.

"True..." Phil said. 

"Not entirely actually." Wilbur stated. He looked over to Nick who looked like he could jump off the ship right there. 

"I- really Will?" 

"C'mon, it's for a good cause!" 

"But you know how they are. Being like that didn't humble them, they are the worst people on this planet. If we go there, we won't accomplish anything." 

"But we might! How old did you say they were?"

"Fifty something, nearing sixties now."

"Well I think we can dodge a few elderly if we need to, okay? Let's just go give the community what they desperately need. " 

"Wait...someone explain, I'm lost." Tubbo asked. 

"Um, well," Nick started. "It doesn't matter, let's just go." He grumbled as he climbed down the ladder. 

"Okay?" The others all looked at each other as Wilbur looked guilty for bringing it up. He did feel like it was the right thing to do however. 

Nick needed to face his parents. 


Words: 788 

DUDE- I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS STORY :D finally getting some real plot goin! i started this with no plot thought out, no charters, no conflict, no nothing. There isn't even an antagonist, which I guess is fine but you get what I mean. 

Sorry this is shorter, but hey! We finally got a chapter out! I last posted a chapter in February, and for the last two days have been going back through and reading/editing the chapter already released. 

I'm definitely going to be working on this book until I finish it, and then I'll continue my other books. Summer is coming up so that helps with having enough time to write. 

Anyway, let's get into some background of these characters!! 

Water, food, sleep, shower, meds, hygiene, I LOVE YOU!! <3  

~Pirates~ (dnf stories)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz